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Is Minecraft Adding Sheep Variants?

Posted on by amber
As of the latest Minecraft update, pigs, cows, and chickens have become more immersive than ever, while sheep have seemingly been left behind as the only exception. Does this mean sheep variants are coming in a later update? Today, we answer that and more in “Is Minecraft Adding Sheep Variants?”

Warm and Cold Mob Variants
For those who may be unfamiliar, the latest Minecraft update has added warm and cold biome variants for three of Minecraft’s four original mobs, with sheep being the exception. The cold biome variants spawn in old-growth pine taiga, old-growth spruce taiga, taiga, snowy taiga, windswept hills, windswept gravelly hills, and windswept forest biomes. And the warm variants spawn in savanna, savanna plateau, windswept savanna, jungle, sparse jungle, bamboo jungle, eroded badlands, wooded badlands, and badlands biomes. We have released articles showcasing these new variants, which can be found listed below: Now, onto the main question!

Is Minecraft Adding Sheep Variants?

Minecraft Sheep Screenshot The exclusion of sheep has left some fans wondering if their variants will be coming in a later update. Sadly, at least at this time, that does not appear to be the case. Mojang has instead opted to have sheep spawn with different wool colors in warm and cold biomes, better representing the sheep that would realistically be found in those climates. For cold biomes, sheep will more commonly have black wool with rare occurrences of gray, light gray, white, and brown, while warm biome sheep will more commonly be brown with rare occurrences of gray, light gray, white, and black. Finally, all temperate biome sheep will more commonly have white wool with rare occurrences of gray, light gray, black, and brown. Pink sheep still have a very small chance of spawning anywhere, however. Perhaps someday down the line we will end up seeing sheep variants added, but at least for now, colors will have to do.
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