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How to Make Temporary Minecraft Servers

Posted on by amber
A Minecraft server is the perfect gift for friends and family to share, but what if it’s only wanted until the new year? Thankfully, that is an option here! Today we explore how to make temporary Minecraft servers at BisectHosting and home.

Ordering Temporary Minecraft Servers

BisectHosting Logo BisectHosting uses a subscription-based payment system. This means that your server will be renewed on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. While there is no outright “temporary” option, ordering a server for your desired time frame is the first step in setting up a temporary server. Using one month as an example, select your desired package, proceed to checkout, and review the order. Here the payment will be listed as monthly, but do not fret! BisectHosting clients are not obligated to continue their servers for any reason and can cancel anytime. When the payment is complete, the server information will be emailed and a subscription set in place. To prevent future payments and ensure your server is temporary, we recommend an end-of-billing period cancelation being placed. This will flag your server to be terminated at the end of its paid time. In other words, temporary!

Creating Temporary Home Hosted Servers

Command Block Screenshot A temporary home-hosted Minecraft server begins with downloading the official Minecraft server jar from Mojang’s website, which can be found here. Then, with the jar downloaded, move it to a new folder on your computer. This will be the location of your server files, so ensure it is somewhere safe! Once moved, double-click the server jar and follow the prompts it provides. Files should now be present, including one called Minecraft EULA. Open and change it to true, adjust any of the other server settings to your liking, and then double click the jar once more. Your temporary server should now be online and can be deleted at any time. It is important to note that home hosting can run into many specific issues such as port forwarding requirements or firewall troubles preventing connections. These would need to be addressed as they arise. Servers are also very resource intensive so ensure the hosting PC has good specs!

How to Make Temporary Minecraft Servers

We hope our short guide has helped! And for those who ordered with us, cancellations can be removed through support should there be a desire to continue the server. In either case, we hope your friends and family have the best of times! Happy holidays from all of us here. Until Next Time, BisectHosting =)
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