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How to Get Resin in Minecraft 1.21.4

Posted on by amber
From trimming armor to crafting creaking hearts, resin is one of the most exciting items added in recent years, but where can it be gathered? Today, we answer that and more in “How to Get Resin in Minecraft 1.21.4.”

How to Get Resin in Minecraft 1.21.4

Minecraft Resin Clumps and Creaking Screenshot Resin clumps can be obtained from three sources: looting woodland mansion chests, destroying creaking hearts, and attacking creaking to force resin generation. The first, woodland mansions, are extremely rare structures exclusive to dark forest biomes, while the second and third, creaking hearts and creaking, are both found in pale garden biomes. We recommend those attempting to get resin opt for the third option, attacking creaking and gathering the resin it generates on the pale oak logs around its creaking heart. Below, we go into further detail on how this can be achieved with ease.

How to Farm Resin Clumps

How to Get Resin in Minecraft By Punching Creaking Screenshot Attacking a creaking causes resin to generate on the pale oak logs surrounding a creaking heart once every five seconds. This can be done with naturally generated creaking hearts, but it is much easier to manage with one that has been gathered with silk touch or crafted and placed in a safer environment. It is important to note a creaking heart must be stacked vertically between two pale oak logs in order for it to activate. The basic setup we recommend is illuminating an area with torches, placing a creaking heart between two vertically stacked pale oak logs, and then waiting for the creaking to spawn at night. The spawn point will always be within 32 blocks of the creaking heart. Once spotted, taunt it over by looking at it and then looking away until it is near the creaking heart. From there, position yourself so that both the creaking and creaking heart are on screen, then begin punching away. As mentioned before, resin can be generated by attacking the creaking once every five seconds. The resin itself will generate on the pale oak logs connected to the creaking heart and can be broken instantly with a punch. So long as the creaking is kept within sight, resin clumps can be generated and gathered repeatedly until the sun begins to rise and the creaking despawns.
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