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How to Get Planks & Sticks in RLCraft

Posted on by amber
Nothing comes easy in RLCraft, and the Minecraft basics are no exception. So, toss away the idea of placing logs on crafting tables as we explore how to get planks and sticks in RLCraft alongside the steps needed to get there.

How to Get Planks & Sticks in RLCraft

Step 1: Gathering Flint

RLCraft Gathering Flint Screenshot Step one of RLCraft survival is punching gravel to get flint. This is because flint tools will be the first used rather than stone in most cases. Gravel is commonly located in and around water, and flint has a 15% chance of dropping from a gravel block each time it breaks. Once one or two flints have been found, locate a source of exposed stone and right-click the top of it with the flint in hand. Doing so will break the flint down into flint shards.

Step 2: Crafting a Flint Knife

RLCraft Crafting Flint Knife Screenshot In true RLCraft fashion, we are still not ready to craft a flint axe, so we must first start with a flint knife. One stick and one flint shard will be required for this project, and thankfully, sticks are easily obtained in small numbers by punching leaves. We will get to how to craft an abundance of sticks later in this guide. With the stick and flint shard in hand, open the inventory screen with “E,” and place the flint shard in the top left corner of the crafting box with a stick directly beneath it. A flint knife should now be available.

Step 3: Crafting a Flint Axe

RLCraft Crafting Flint Axe Screenshot A flint axe requires one stick, one plant string, and one flint shard, and it can be crafted directly from the inventory, much like the flint knife. However, the key item here is plant string. To obtain plant string, head to the nearest grassy biome and cut tall grass with the flint knife. This will provide plant fiber, which can be crafted into plant string in one’s inventory once three have been obtained. With the plant string crafted, open the inventory screen with “E” once more and place one plant string in the top left corner of the crafting box with a stick directly below and a flint shard to the right of the plant string. A flint axe should now be available to make. Once the craft is complete, the new flint axe can be used to chop down trees. We recommend cutting the bottom-most log as the rest will fall automatically in RLCraft.

Step 4: Crafting Planks & Sticks

RLCraft Crafting Planks Screenshot After all that work, we can finally craft some planks and sticks. However, this process is not done from a crafting table. Instead, place a log block on the ground and ready your axe before right-clicking the log block. This action will cut the log block into plank blocks. Plank blocks can then be placed on the ground in the same manner and right-clicked with an axe to get sticks. Congratulations on obtaining planks and sticks in RLCraft! It is truly a task that is easier said than done.
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