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How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21

Posted on by amber
(Estimated Read Time: 3 Minutes)
Diamonds have been every Minecrafter’s shimmering goal since the earliest days of alpha and even before. However, as updates come and go, so do the methods of obtaining diamonds many of us once knew. So, today, we answer how to find diamonds in Minecraft 1.21.

How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21: Strip Mining

Minecraft 1.21 Strip Mining Screenshot Strip mining entails digging down to the bottom-most layers of the overworld and mining in repeating lines two to three blocks apart. As its name suggests, this method leaves the area you selected stripped of its resources, removing the risk of missing anything. Diamonds can generate anywhere below level Y = 15 but are more common between Y = -50 and -64. This makes strip mining most effective around levels Y = -58 and -59, as any lower would result in hitting bedrock. However, post Minecraft 1.18, strip mining is no longer considered the most effective method of mining. Instead, cave mining has taken its place as king, but that is not to say strip mining is without its merits. It remains the much safer option and requires significantly less attention, allowing for other forms of media to be enjoyed along the way.

How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21: Cave Mining

Minecraft 1.21 Cave Mining Screenshot Following the cave generation updates of Minecraft 1.18, the most effective way to find diamonds is to simply explore large caves while keeping an eye out for ores on the abundance of open surfaces. Some caves are better than others from a purely visual perspective, but in terms of actual generation, the chosen cave does not matter. Just make sure not to venture above level Y = 15 and be prepared to battle some monsters.


Minecraft 1.21 Fortress Loot Screenshot Finally, those who would prefer to not mine at all can also find diamonds through exploration. Their rarity and abundance vary from source to source, but each remains a possibility.
Structure Chests
  • Bastion Treasure Chests
  • Buried Treasure Chests
  • Desert Pyramid Chests
  • End City Chests
  • Jungle Pyramid Chests
  • Mineshaft Chests
  • Nether Fortress Chests
  • Shipwreck Chests
  • Stronghold Altar Chests
  • Trial Chamber Corridor Pots
  • Trail Chamber Intersection Barrels
  • Trail Chamber Intersection Chests
  • Village Toolsmith Chests
  • Village Weaponsmith Chests
Structure Vaults
  • Trial Chamber Trial Vaults
  • Trial Chamber Ominous Trial Vaults
  • Desert Pyramid Suspicious Sand
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