(Estimated Read Time: 3 Minutes)
Mojang has added
plenty of new wolves for players to find, including one that walks alone along mountain peaks and through unending snow. Today, we explain step by step how to find a snowy wolf in Minecraft 1.21.
How to Find a Snowy Wolf in Minecraft 1.21
Step 1: Preparation

Snowy Wolves may be rarer, but they are tamed in the same manner as any other wolf variant. This means the only mandatory item for this journey is about 16
bones to account for the off chance of your taming luck being extremely bad.
Otherwise, the journey ahead may be a full expedition or a simple walk if luck is had. For this reason, a full loadout of adventure equipment is not a bad idea to have. A boat, plenty of food, some armor and
weapons, a bed, an elytra, fireworks, and the previously mentioned bones would be a basic checklist we’d recommend.
Step 2: Finding a Grove Biome

Snowy wolves spawn exclusively in
groves, a type of biome that most often generates on the sides of mountains and their accompanying biomes. They can be recognized by their abundance of snow and spruce trees, akin to a snowy taiga biome.
Sadly, there are no
in-game maps that offer a direct route to a grove biome, but players will have the most luck by heading toward snowy biomes and tall mountains. Looking down from their snowy peaks should eventually result in a grove biome being found.
Step 3: Snowy Wolves

A snowy wolf spawns alone, but that does not mean there is always one around. Their spawn rate is quite low, leaving this last leg of the journey after finding a grove almost entirely
up to luck. Some players may find a snowy wolf as soon as they arrive, while others may go anywhere from hours to days until one spawns nearby.
To increase these odds, we’d recommend either afking in the grove and checking back every thirty-ish minutes or actively traveling to new groves by way of
elytra. But the most important tip we can provide is to remember not to give up. We have faith a new snowy wolf will soon be by your side.
Until Next Time,
BisectHosting =)