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Frozen Planet II – Minecraft Partners with BBC Earth

Posted on by amber
With the recent release for mobile, Minecraft Education Edition has been reaching new learners from around the globe. And now, with the help of BBC Earth, five new maps complete with custom terrain and controllable mobs are here to shine a light on the importance of arctic wildlife. Today we explore Frozen Planet II and the exciting partnership with BBC Earth.

What is Frozen Planet II?

Frozen Planet II consists of five Minecraft worlds where you, the player, take control of various mobs and walk a chilly mile in their shoes. Protect your cubs as a mama polar bear, hunt as a killer whale for your next meal, or see firsthand the life of a bee who navigates a world of snow. And that is only scratching the surface of this iceberg! The five maps consist of hand-built terrain, custom assets, and many more unique mobs with realistic behaviors, designed to teach young learners about some of the most fascinating and at-risk animals on the globe. Can you survive in their frigid homes?

How To Play Frozen Planet II

Frozen Planet II Penguins Frozen Planet II is available for free in Minecraft Education Edition and as a free DLC on the Minecraft Marketplace for Bedrock Edition. Players need only download the worlds from within their Bedrock Edition Minecraft client to play. Unfortunately, Java Edition players can not use the maps at this time. Hopefully, compatibility is added down the line!

Minecraft Partners with BBC Earth

Together with BBC Earth, Mojang continues to bring forth free educational content for learners around the globe. And the best part? It is as fun as can be! Those with a desire to learn more can also check out the six-part series on BBC Earth, but viewer discretion is advised as nature is rarely kind. Until Next Time, BisectHosting =)
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