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Factorio Fulgora Survival Guide: Blueprints, Tips, Tricks, & More

Posted on by cade-davie
Factorio’s Space Age expansion includes several new planets for players to begin their automated empires, and one of them is known as Fulgora. At a glance, Fulgora doesn’t seem like the best place to start a factory since it’s a bit of a barren desert. However, there are plenty of reasons to set up shop on this desolate but delightful rock! Read on to see what we recommend for surviving and thriving on Fulgora!

Factorio Fulgora Planet Survival Guide: An Overview

Fulgora planet in Factorio Fulgora isn’t exactly a friendly planet. Its surface varies between arid deserts and vast oceans of thick, gloopy oil. The oil can make traversal and factory placement a little tricky, so you'll have to get creative. These arid plateaus and oilsands make up the entirety of Fulgora, so don't be expecting beautiful oceans or lush forests! Of course, Fulgora has an interesting nighttime twist: loads and loads of lightning. During the day, you’ll be able to enjoy Fulgora’s oily deserts in peace. When the sun has gone down, Fulgora is hammered by an endless barrage of lightning strikes. These bolts of electricity can cause damage to your structures if you’re not careful, so you’ll have to find ways to keep your factory safe and sound. Of course, if you can successfully establish a lightning-proof factory, Fulgora has plenty of unique rewards to uncover. Like many of the other planets in Factorio’s Space Age expansion, all of Fulgora’s exclusive items can only be found on Fulgora, but some of them can be crafted on other worlds as well.

Exclusive Items

Craftable Only on Fulgora:
  • Electromagnetic Science Pack
  • Electromagnetic Plant
  • Lightning Collector
  • Lightning Rod
  • Recycler
Discovered on Fulgora, but Craftable on Other Planets:
  • Mech Armor
  • Personal Battery MK3
  • Energy Shield MK2
  • Personal Roboport MK2
  • Quality Module 3
  • Tesla Turret


  • Plateaus
  • Oilsands

Basic Resources

  • Ice
  • Stone
  • Homium Ore
  • Concrete
  • Solid Fuel
  • Steel Plate
  • Copper Cable
  • Iron Gear Wheel
  • Battery
  • Advanced Circuit
  • Processing Unit
  • Low-Density Structure

Factorio Fulgora Blueprints for Survival

As Factorio aficionados are well aware, community-made blueprints are a great way to get started with a new factory. With these blueprints, your opening hours on Fulgora can be much more manageable. Or, if you don’t want to use blueprints from other players, you can at least look at them to get a bit of inspiration!

Compact Chemical Plant Blueprint

As Reddit user Verbatos is aware, chemical plants can take up a lot of space. Luckily, these handy blueprints of theirs can give you a sizable number of chemical plants without taking up too much space in your factory. Their post has not one but four different ways for you to create a chemical plant that fits in and around your specific needs.

Fulgora Specific Item Sorter Blueprint

As with any Factorio factory, sorting your inputs and outputs takes a lot of careful work. Reddit user Constructor20 drummed up this blueprint to make the process of sorting and organizing much more efficient. As pointed out in their Reddit post, the bottom belt is intended to be hooked up to a sushi belt, while the upper one should be hooked up to take your specified items wherever you want them to go. Keep in mind that this design is set up to hold 3,000 of a specified item, and anything else is scrapped before being sent back to your main line.

Scrap Sorter with Overflow Management Blueprint

Scrap happens on Fulgora, and a lot of it. To this end, Redditor Nez_1 has created a blueprint that takes all of your scrap and sorts it. Some additional touches to the design include overflow management and jam prevention to keep the operation running as smoothly as possible. You can even make adjustments to the build's overflow settings to make them more or less sensitive.

Fulgora Survival Tips & Tricks

Getting started on Fulgora can be tricky. Yet, with a little bit of know-how, you can survive the worst that nature has to throw at you. These tips should be enough to give you an idea of what you're in for.

Pack Accordingly

Naturally, before you land on Fulgora you'll need to prepare for Fulgora. You'll want to pack plenty of the basics that can help you get started, such as engines, pipes, concrete, and steel. A handful of processing units, iron plates, and red and green chips wouldn't hurt either. One of the things you'll really want to make sure you have are materials for creating a rocket silo. You might have a rocket silo built on your previous planet, but rocket silos cannot be transported on rockets. Bring along everything you'll need to make one, and some extra materials for creating a new rocket wouldn't be a bad idea either.

Build Plenty of Lightning Rods

When it comes to generating power on Fulgora, the name of the game is lightning rods. Lightning is such a strong source of energy that you shouldn't even need to worry about solar panels. Build up enough lightning rods, and when night comes, you'll be loaded with electrical power. You'll want to make sure that you connect your lightning rods to accumulators that will store all of your new energy. Use the accumulators during the day and refill them when the storms come at night. Additionally, placing lightning rods in and around your factory can keep any machinery that isn't lightning-proof safe and sound.

Offshore Pumps for an Oil Ocean

One of the neat parts of Fulgora, is that you'll never need to create an oil refinery. With the planet having oceans made of oil, all you have to do is create a few offshore pumps, and voila! You'll have more oil than you'll know what to do with.

If You're Not Using it, Scrap it

Your factories on Fulgora will most likely end up creating a lot of scrap and resources that you don't need. As briefly mentioned in one of the blueprint sections above, you'll want an efficient way to recycle anything you're not using. As you're going about your Factorio business, if you see anything that's not being used or simply tossed in a heap, scrap it. Scrap it, build something more efficient in that spot, and continue to look for opportunities to improve your factory via scrapping!
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