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Enshrouded Resin Farming Guide: How to Get & All Crafting Recipes

Posted on by justin
(Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes)
After some delays, Enshrouded has finally been released as an Early Access title. There are many different valuable resources players must gather in Enshrouded, and one important resource early on is Resin. Farm this material to craft different items, including torches, a supply lantern, and equipment. But where can you collect this item? Follow this guide as we’ll cover how to get Resin in Enshrouded and all of the crafting recipes you can use it in.

How to Get Resin in Enshrouded

Enshrouded Resin Thankfully, it's easy to farm Resin in Enshrouded. However, crafting an axe is ideal before you can gather this resource efficiently. Most players should first craft the basic Axe since this item will be your primary tool in collecting Resin. Craft this tool by hand and by using the following items:
  • 4x Twigs
  • 1x Stone
  • 1x String
New players can collect these items during the first hour of starting a new game. In particular, collect Twigs by looting bushes. As for the Stone and String, find the former in the grass while the latter is crafted using Plant Fibers. Enshrouded Resin Farm With the basic Axe in hand, just hit trees with this tool. Most of the time, you’ll gather Wood Logs. However, Resin will also appear frequently. In particular, you’ll earn one or two Resin per tree before chopping it down.

Resin Crafting Recipes in Enshrouded

Enshrouded Resin Usage Players who want to go down the arcane path and become magicians will typically start using a Staff. Craft this ranged weapon by hand using 1x Bones and 2x Resin. Alternatively, Resin is used to craft many base illumination items, like the Standing Torch. To craft this item, you must use 4x Resin, 2x Wood Logs, and 2x Torn Cloth. Over time, you’ll also use Resin for other items, including specific armor pieces. Other items with Resin as an ingredient include the following:
  • Tank Gloves: 2x Linen, 2x Charcoal, 1x Dried Fur, 2x Copper Bars, and 1x Resin
  • Rising Fighter Helmet: 1x Metal Sheets, 1x Animal Fur, and 3x Resin
  • Rising Fighter Chest: 4x String, 4x Animal Fur, 3x Metal Sheets, and 2x Resin
  • Rising Fighter Boots: 2x Animal Fur, 1x Metal Sheets, and 5x Resin
  • Wisp of Light: 3x Bug Dust, 2x Glow Dust, and 1x Resin
  • Fireball I: 1x Tar, 2x Bonemeal, and 10x Resin
  • Fireball II: 2x Tar, 5x Amber, and 10x Resin
  • Chain Lightning: 4x Bonemeal, 1x Copper Bar, 20x Flintstone, and 4x Resin
Ready to start farming for Resin in Enshrouded, along with other in-game resources? Click the link below to start an Enshrouded dedicated server to survive (and thrive) in Embervale with your online pals.
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