Find love in DayZ as it’s time to make more friends (or something more than friends) than enemies with this year’s Valentine’s Day Event kicking back up. This year, a special bolt can be fired from your crossbow to grant beneficial effects to a teammate. Additionally, this update brings various changes and bug fixes as well. So, let’s get into the DayZ Valentine’s Day Event for 2024 and the game's latest patch notes.
The DayZ 2024 Valentine’s Day Event starts on February 6 and ends on the 20th. It’s also important to mention that this event is exclusive to the DayZ Experimental server. However, the event’s files will become available for all community server owners after the release of Update 1.24 on the DayZ Stable client.
When Does the DayZ Valentine's Event Start and End?

What’s in the DayZ 2024 Valentine’s Day Event?
Perhaps the highlight of the DayZ Valentine’s Day Event is the Valentine’s Bolt. Fire it with a Crossbow to heal your target's diseases and sicknesses. An explosion of hearts also appears when you hit a target with the Valentine's Bolt. This update also brings various changes and fixes. For instance, the developers fixed an issue when fallen tree branches would interrupt character movement. Additionally, an occurrence wherein a character’s hands continued raising while in tight spaces should now be fixed.DayZ 2024 Valentine’s Day Event Full Patch Notes
Although relatively short, the full patch notes for the DayZ 2024 Valentine's Day Event generally focus on specific important elements. You can find the patch notes for this update below:GAME
- Valentine's Bolt (temporal seasonal event object)
- Fallen tree branches had too many trivial collisions, interrupting character movement
- Fixed some misplaced street lights (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178510, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178524 - private)
- Characters could end up with their hands stuck in raised pose while in tight spaces
- Bandaging with rags and bandages would take the same amount of time (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178672)
- Switching weapon magazines through drag and drop could result in desynchronization (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178604)
- Added: <groups_as_regular> was using its default value, but was not defined in playerspawnpoints.xml (Documentation)
- Changed: Security: Removed 'ScriptModule.LoadScript' on Retail Client. No change to Retail Server and Diag
- Changed: File injecting now exposed to DayZDiag executable, which is file patching a file that doesn't exist in pbo such as config.cpp
How to Play DayZ Experimental?
Before, interested players would have to alternate between the Stable and Experimental Branch versions of DayZ. Now, you can directly download the DayZ Experimental Branch client from Steam. Find the DayZ Experimental underneath the DayZ Stable version in your Steam library. Then, click the large blue “Download” button to start the download and installation. Don’t forget to check out our DayZ Experimental guide for additional information on this test server.Get Started with a
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