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CS2 Weekly Care Package Guide: How to Redeem, Rewards, & More

Posted on by amber
Counter Strike 2 has arrived, complete with an abundance of rewards for players to grind! So, today we explore the CS2 Weekly Care Package, how to get maximum rewards, and where to redeem them for the first time.

What is the CS2 Weekly Care Package?

CS2 Logo The CS2 Weekly Care Package is a new reward system completed by gaining XP Ranks. Upon a player’s first XP Rank of the week, they will be able to pick two of four available loot options. If a player earns a second XP Rank that week, they will be able to select the two remaining loot options as well. The rewards then refresh when you earn your first XP Rank during the following week.

How to Earn Maximum Rewards

CS2 Weekly Care Package Loot Selection Screenshot Players who wish to earn every reward will need to make sure they gain two XP Ranks each week. This is done by simply queuing up solo or with friends and playing away as exp is passively gained. Once a sufficient amount of exp has been earned, an XP Rank up will occur, and you will be prompted to select two rewards. However, it is important to keep in mind that each week’s deadline is Tuesday, around 5-6 PM PT. This is when the weekly reset generally occurs. Any rewards not earned by then will be lost to the void.

How to View Care Package Rewards

CS2 Weekly Care Package Leftover Loot Screenshot Until your first XP Rank of the week has been earned, the Weekly Care Package rewards are hidden. However, most can expect to see weapon skins, sprays, and cases. We would recommend going for the cases first as they are often worth the most, but the choice is always yours. After they are revealed during your first reward selection, you can view the silhouettes of the remaining two items by selecting “Store” at the top of the screen. The Weekly Care Package will be the first thing under the store’s “Home” tab.

CS2 Weekly Care Package Guide: How to Redeem, Rewards, & More

We hope our short CS2 Weekly Care Package Guide has helped answer any questions about this exciting new system! But now, I think we both have some XP Ranks to grind. Until Next Time, BisectHosting =)
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