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Best Trident Enchantments in Minecraft 1.21

Posted on by amber
(Estimated Read Time: 4 Minutes)
Tridents are a unique weapon many overlook when playing the game. So, today, we explore the best trident enchantments in Minecraft 1.21 alongside the most optimal setup a general-purpose enchanted trident can have, especially when it rains.

All Compatible Enchantments

Minecraft Trident
  • Maximum Level: V
  • Source: Enchanting Table & Enchanted Books
  • Restrictions: Trident Exclusive
Tridents enchanted with impaling deal an additional 2.5 damage to aquatic mobs with every hit, increasing by 2.5 damage with each level of the enchantment to a maximum of level 5. In Bedrock Edition, this additional damage is instead applied to any mob that is considered wet, including land-dwelling mobs outdoors in the rain.
  • Maximum Level: III
  • Source: Enchanting Table & Enchanted Books
  • Restrictions: Trident Exclusive, Incompatible with Riptide
Tridents enchanted with loyalty automatically return to the player’s inventory shortly after being thrown. The speed at which the trident returns is increased with each level of the enchantment but still varies based on the distance.
  • Maximum Level: I
  • Source: Enchanting Table & Enchanted Books
  • Restrictions: Trident Exclusive, Incompatible with Riptide
During thunderstorms, successfully hitting a mob with a thrown trident enchanted with channeling summons a lightning strike, which hits the mob as well. The mob must be outdoors during the thunderstorm with nothing above them for this to successfully occur.
  • Maximum Level: III
  • Source: Enchanting Table & Enchanted Books
  • Restrictions: Trident Exclusive, Incompatible with Loyalty & Channeling
Tridents enchanted with riptide launch their wielder alongside them when thrown, allowing for extremely quick and versatile movements. However, the enchantment only functions while in water or rainy weather. The distance launched in the rain or standing in water is 6 blocks multiplied by the enchantment level plus 3. Alternatively, the distance launched when submerged is 4 blocks multiplied by the enchantment level plus 3.
  • Maximum Level: III
  • Source: Enchanting Table & Enchanted Books
  • Restrictions: None
Unbreaking creates a chance that an item or tool’s durability will not decrease when used, averaging a 100% increase in lifespan per level of the enchantment. This enchantment has a maximum level of 3.
  • Maximum Level: I
  • Source: Enchanted Books
  • Restrictions: None
Gathered Experience Orbs are automatically consumed to repair items enchanted with Mending. Mending enchanted items must be in the main hand, off hand, or an equipped armor slot for this effect to occur.

Best Trident Enchantments

  • Impaling V
  • Riptide
  • Unbreaking III
  • Mending I
Players seeking to craft the ultimate trident will want to aim for the enchantments we have listed above. This is one less than the maximum number of enchantments the trident can hold, but that is by design, as riptide is incompatible with loyalty and channeling. The reason riptide wins out over a trident enchanted with loyalty and channeling is that a riptide trident will have movement value long term, especially when using the elytra. A loyalty and channeling trident, at best, acts as an alternative to the bow while underwater, whereas on land, the bow is almost always the better option, especially in Java Edition. Riptide tridents also boast one of the only ways to bypass a shield, act as a great way to bring the fight to melee combat underwater or in the rain, and provide the fastest form of movement in the game when used alongside elytra.
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