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Best Minecraft Modpacks in 2024

Posted on by amber
(Estimated Read Time: 3 Minutes)
Over half the year has come and gone, but what a year it was to be a fan of Minecraft mods! So, today, we list what we believe are the best Minecraft modpacks in 2024.

Cave Horror Project

Best Minecraft Modpacks in 2024: Cave Horror Logo Cave Horror Project has a very simple goal: making Minecraft a much more terrifying world! Long standing legends such as Herobrine are added to the game alongside an entire cast of chilling entities ready to stalk and scare any who dare enter the much darker caves in-game.

Prominence II RPG

Best Minecraft Modpacks in 2024: Prominence II RPG Logo Fans of RPG games and MMOs need not look further than Prominence II RPG! This astounding modpack focuses on exploring ruins and dungeons, finding mountains of loot, and leveling up with a custom-made leveling system akin to Path of Exile.

The Pixelmon Modpack

Pixelmon Modpack Logo The Pixelmon Modpack takes Pokémon and merges it with Minecraft to create a one-of-a-kind experience that only the very best will complete. Alongside all the beloved aspects of Minecraft, pokemon, towns, trainers, and gyms spawn out in the world. Will you catch the Pokémon of every generation released to date?

All the Mods 10

All the Mods 10 Logo When it is hard for a friend group to decide, there is no better modpack than All the Mods 10 to try! This staple of the Minecraft modding community has returned once again for Minecraft 1.21. Cast some spells, master technology, or explore ruins for loot unknown. A little bit of everything that creates an experience of its very own.


Top 5 Minecraft Modpacks of 2023: RLCraft Logo Still standing proud at the top of all Minecraft modpacks is none other than RLCraft! This challenging modpack will put even the most hardened Minecraft player’s will to the test, and as its description says, be prepared to die again and again.

Best Minecraft Modpacks in 2024

Our list has come to a close, but there are still many more modpacks to explore! For a top five of only modpacks updated for Minecraft 1.21, check out our other article here. Hopefully, this list or the other contained a modpack that brought excitement to see. Until Next Time, BisectHosting =)
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