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Best Armor Sets in V Rising

Posted on by justin
Waking up after a long sleep with nothing but rags for armor, it can be tough to be a new vampire in V Rising. Over time, you’ll gain access to armor sets to increase your survivability. Equip yourself with the best armor sets in V Rising, and you won’t only survive but perhaps also become the best vampire in the game.

Ranking the Best V Rising Armor Sets

V Rising best armor sets Note that the best armor sets to use in V Rising often depend on players’ unique playstyles and their current available resources. Below, you’ll learn the different armor sets to use in the game based on their practicality and the general time to acquire them.

8. Boneguard Armor

It’s safe to say that every V Rising player will start with this armor set. In particular, you must go through the game’s tutorial to craft and wear the components of this armor set by hand. Although the Boneguard Armor is impossible to miss, it’s also the weakest armor set in the game. Nonetheless, its stats can help your vampire survive the wild until you can get your hands on the next armor set.
  • Gear Level: 1
  • Max Health Increase: +56.7
  • Durability: 347
Crafting Requirements
  • Boneguard Chestguard: 30x Bone
  • Boneguard Leggings: 30x Bone
  • Boneguard Boots: 20x Bone and 30x Rugged Hide
  • Boneguard Gloves: 30x Bone and 30x Rugged Hide

7. Plated Boneguard Armor

The Plated Boneguard Armor set is an upgrade to the Boneguard Armor set. Vampires must only go through the tutorial and unlock the Simple Workbench building to obtain this set’s recipes. The additional stats provided by this armor set still won’t help you significantly. Nonetheless, you now have a better chance of survival than before, particularly when going up against weak groups of enemies like packs of wolves.
  • Gear Level: 2
  • Max Health Increase: +82.5
  • Physical Power Increase: +2
  • Durability: 406
Crafting Requirements
  • Plated Boneguard Chestguard: Boneguard Chestguard and 60x Rugged Hide
  • Plated Boneguard Leggings: Boneguard Leggings and 60x Rugged Hide
  • Plated Boneguard Boots: Boneguard Boots and 60x Rugged Hide
  • Plated Boneguard Gloves: Boneguard Gloves and 60x Rugged Hide

6. Nightstalker Armor

Unlocking the Simple Workbench also unlocks the recipes to craft the Nightstalker Armor set’s components. Although the physical power increase from the Plated Boneguard Armor set disappears, wearing the Nightstalker set improves survivability further by increasing maximum health.
  • Gear Level: 3
  • Max Health Increase: +97.8
  • Durability: 490
Crafting Requirements
  • Nightstalker Vest: 6x Leather and 4x Coarse Thread
  • Nightstalker Leggings: 6x Leather and 4x Coarse Thread
  • Nightstalker Boots: 6x Leather and 4x Coarse Thread
  • Nightstalker Gloves: 6x Leather and 4x Coarse Thread

5. Merciless Nightstalker Armor

As with the Plated Boneguard Armor to the Boneguard Armor set, the Merciless Nightstalker Armor set is the upgraded version of the Nightstalker Armor. This time, it adds an increase in physical power (when wearing two set pieces) and gear level (when wearing four set pieces). Note that this armor set should be your entry point to the game’s early to mid-stage, and it can also be one of the best armor sets in V Rising for this level of progression. With it, you can hunt and kill some of the weaker V Blood bosses, such as the Alpha Wolf and Errol the Stonebreaker. Also, the pieces to this armor are now more challenging to craft than previous armor sets. In particular, you must now gather Copper Ore, refine that resource in a Furnace, and receive Copper Ingot pieces to craft the entire set at the Simple Workbench.
  • Gear Level: 4 (+1 when wearing four pieces)
  • Max Health Increase: +138.9 (additional 12 max health when wearing two pieces)
  • Physical Power Increase: +2
  • Durability: 490
Crafting Requirements
  • Merciless Nightstalker Vest: Nightstalker Vest, 4x Leather, 4x Coarse Thread, and 8x Copper Ingot
  • Merciless Nightstalker Leggings: Nightstalker Leggings, 4x Leather, 4x Coarse Thread, and 8x Copper Ingot
  • Merciless Nightstalker Boots: Nightstalker Boots, 4x Leather, 4x Coarse Thread, and 8x Copper Ingot
  • Merciless Nightstalker Gloves: Nightstalker Gloves, 4x Leather, 4x Coarse Thread, and 8x Copper Ingot

4. Hollowfang Armor

If you’re at a point in the game when you can craft the Merciless Nightstalker Armor, your next objective is to increase your gear level, and the Hollowfang Armor set is the perfect way to do it. But be wary; creating this armor set requires you to go through human territory to search for Beatrice the Tailor. Beatrice doesn’t have any offensive or defensive capabilities. But you must enter Dawnbreak Village to reach her, a location with many patrols. Defeating Beatrice unlocks the Loom, an interactive building that gives you access to the materials needed to create the Hollowfang Armor’s pieces.
  • Gear Level: 5
  • Max Health Increase: +162.1
  • Durability: 742
Crafting Requirements
  • Hollowfang Chestguard: 12x Cotton Yarn and 8x Wool Thread
  • Hollowfang Leggings: 12x Cotton Yarn and 8x Wool Thread
  • Hollowfang Boots: 12x Cotton Yarn and 8x Wool Thread
  • Hollowfang Gloves: 12x Cotton Yarn and 8x Wool Thread

3. Merciless Hollowfang Armor

Thankfully, upgrading from the Hollowfang Armor to the Hollowfang Armor set isn’t as difficult as improving the Nightstalker Armor to its Merciless version. You must only have the Tailoring Bench, which you should already have at this point in the game.
  • Gear Level: 6 (+1 when wearing four pieces)
  • Max Health Increase: +203.6
  • Movement Speed Increase: +4% (when wearing two pieces)
  • Attack Speed Increase: +4% (when wearing two pieces)
  • Durability: 914
Crafting Requirements
  • Merciless Hollowfang Vest: Hollowfang Vest and 12x Iron Ingot
  • Merciless Hollowfang Leggings: Hollowfang Leggings and 12x Iron Ingot
  • Merciless Hollowfang Boots: Hollowfang Boots and 12x Iron Ingot
  • Merciless Hollowfang Gloves: Hollowfang Gloves and 12x Iron Ingot

2. Dawnthorn Armor

You’re nearing the endgame in V Rising, and enemies are growing more difficult as you progress. This time, you must defeat the level 57 V Blood boss Octavian the Militia Captain at the Bastion of Dunley. Doing so will unlock the crafting recipes for the Dawnthorn Armor set. Next, you must venture into Gloomrot to loot Mutant Grease from enemies. Additionally, you must also go to the Spider Cave to loot Silk. Once you gain enough of these materials, you can combine them at the Tailoring Bench to craft the Dawnthorn’s pieces.
  • Gear Level: 7
  • Max Health Increase: +251.8
  • Durability: 1,119
Crafting Requirements
  • Dawnthorn Chestguard: 12x Pristine Leather and 12x Silk
  • Dawnthorn Leggings: 12x Pristine Leather and 12x Silk
  • Dawnthorn Boots: 12x Pristine Leather and 12x Silk
  • Dawnthorn Gloves: 12x Pristine Leather and 12x Silk

1. Bloodmoon Armor

Arguably the best armor set in V Rising (without using the spawn item console command) is the Bloodmoon Armor. Unlike other armor sets wherein you can unlock all the crafting recipes from defeating a boss, you must research each recipe for each component at the Athenaeum for the Bloodmoon Armor set. Alternatively, you can purchase each Bloodmoon Armor crafting recipe from the City Book Vendor for 20x Goldsun Coin a piece. But note that carrying a Goldsun Coin induces Silver Sickness, which is a debuff that gives you damage over time while carried. Succeed in crafting all the Bloodmoon Armor’s components at the Tailoring Bench, and your survivability, attack speed, and movement speed soar to new heights.
  • Gear Level: 8 (+1 when wearing four pieces)
  • Max Health Increase: +306.6
  • Movement Speed Increase: +6% (when wearing two pieces)
  • Attack Speed Increase: +6% (when wearing four pieces)
  • Durability: 1,359
Crafting Requirements
  • Bloodmoon Chestguard: Dawnthorn Chestguard, 12x Ghost Yarn, and 1x Primal Blood Essence
  • Bloodmoon Leggings: Dawnthorn Leggings, 12x Ghost Yarn, and 1x Primal Blood Essence
  • Bloodmoon Boots: Bloodmoon Boots, 12x Ghost Yarn, and 1x Primal Blood Essence
  • Bloodmoon Gloves: Bloodmoon Gloves, 12x Ghost Yarn, and 1x Primal Blood Essence
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