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Barotrauma Console Commands Guide: Cheats, Permissions, & How to Use Them

Posted on by justin
With the Unto the Breach Update upon us, new and returning Barotrauma players may want some help in various in-game aspects, such as leveling up and enhancing skills. Whether it's money cheats or something more impactful you're after, here, we'll cover all of the available Barotrauma console commands and how to use them.

How to Use Console Commands in Barotrauma

Barotrauma Enable Console Commands It’s important to mention that the admin console is enabled by default in single player mode. However, only players with the “ConsoleCommands” permission in multiplayer can access the console and specific commands. Contact a Barotrauma server administrator to enable the permission if needed. With the admin console activated, press the F3 key (by default) to toggle the console. Next, type “enablecheats" (without the quotes) to enable console commands in Barotrauma. But be warned that enabling the admin commands disables achievement acquisition for the game session.

All Barotrauma Console Commands

Barotrauma Console Commands Note that some console commands in Barotrauma listed below are classified as cheats and may disrupt game sessions, especially for those who want to play without significant alterations to specific features and mechanics.

General Console Commands

  • adjustprice [item name/id] [price] [add/mult]: Recursively prints out expected price adjustments for items derived from this item.
  • alpha [value]: Change the alpha (as bytes from 0 to 255) of the selected item/structure instances. Applied only in the subeditor.
  • ambientlight [restore/color] [add]: Change the color of the ambient light in the level.
  • analyzeitem [item name/id]: Analyzes one item for exploits.
  • autohull: Generates Hulls in the Submarine Editor.
  • autoitemplacerdebug/outfitdebug: Toggle automatic item placer debug info on/off. The automatically placed items are listed in the debug console at the start of a round.
  • autorestart [true/false]: Enable or disable round auto-restart.
  • autorestartinterval [seconds]: Set how long the server waits between rounds before automatically starting a new one. If set to 0, autorestart is disabled.
  • autorestarttimer [seconds]: Set the current autorestart countdown to the specified value.
  • ballastflora [infect/growthwarp] [prefab/amount]: Infect ballasts and control its growth.
  • ban [player name]: Kick and ban the player from the server.
  • banendpoint/banip [steam id/ip address] [seconds] [reason]: Ban the IP address/SteamID from the server.
  • banid [client id]: Kick and ban the player with the specified client ID from the server. You can see the IDs of the clients using the command "clientlist".
  • bindkey [key] [command]: Binds a key to a command.
  • botcount [amount]: Set the number of bots in the crew in multiplayer.
  • botspawnmode [fill/normal]: Set how bots are spawned in the multiplayer.
  • calculatehashes [content package]: Show the MD5 hashes of the files in the selected content package. If the name parameter is omitted, the first content package is selected.
  • campaigndestination/setcampaigndestination [destination index]: Set the location to head towards in the currently active campaign.
  • campaigninfo/campaignstatus: Display information about the state of the currently active campaign.
  • checkcrafting: Checks item deconstruction & crafting recipes for inconsistencies.
  • checkcraftingexploits [max allowed cost]: Finds outright item exploits created by buying store-bought ingredients and constructing them into sellable items.
  • checkduplicateloca: (No in-game description)
  • checkmissingloca: (No in-game description)
  • cleanbuild: (No in-game description)
  • cleansub: (No in-game description)
  • clientlist: List all the clients connected to the server.
  • color/colour [red] [green] [blue] [alpha]: Change color (as bytes from 0 to 255) of the selected item/structure instances. Applied only in the subeditor.
  • comparelocafiles [file 1] [file 2]: (No in-game description)
  • control [character name]: Start controlling the specified character (client-only).
  • converttowreck: Replaces items and walls with wrecked variants. Can only be executed from the Submarine Editor.
  • copyitemnames: (No in-game description)
  • debugai: Toggle the ai debug mode on/off (works properly only in single player).
  • debugdraw [true/false]: Toggle the debug drawing mode on/off (client-only).
  • debugdrawlocalization [true/false]: Toggle the localization debug drawing mode on/off (client-only). Colors all text that hasn't been fetched from a localization file magenta, making it easier to spot hard-coded or missing texts.
  • debugdrawlos [true/false]: Toggle the los debug drawing mode on/off (client-only).
  • debugwiring [true/false]: Toggle the wiring debug mode on/off (client-only).
  • deconstructvalue [item name/id]: Views and compares deconstructed component prices for this item.
  • despawnnow [character name]: Immediately despawns the specified dead character. If the character argument is omitted, all dead characters are despawned.
  • devmode: Toggle the dev mode on/off (client-only).
  • difficulty/leveldifficulty [0-100]: Change the level difficulty setting in the server lobby.
  • disablecrewai: Disable the AI of the NPCs in the crew.
  • disableenemyai: Disable the AI of the Enemy characters (monsters)
  • dumpentitytexts [destination path]: gets the names and descriptions of all entity prefabs and writes them into a file along with xml tags that can be used in translation files. If the filepath is omitted, the file is written to Content/Texts/EntityTexts.txt
  • dumpeventtexts [destination path]: gets the texts from event files and and writes them into a file along with xml tags that can be used in translation files. If the filepath is omitted, the file is written to Content/Texts/EventTexts.txt
  • dumpids [amount] [file name]: (No in-game description)
  • dumptexts [destination path]: Extracts all the texts from the given text xml and writes them into a file (using the same filename, but with the .txt extension). If the filepath is omitted, the EnglishVanilla.xml file is used.
  • dumptofile [file name]: Outputs the contents of the debug console into a text file in the game folder. If the filename argument is omitted, "consoleOutput.txt" is used as the filename.
  • editcharacters/charactereditor: Switch to the Character Editor to edit/create the ragdolls and animations of characters.
  • editevents/eventeditor: Switch to the Event Editor to edit scripted events.
  • editlevels/leveleditor: Switch to the Level Editor to edit levels.
  • editparticles/particleeditor: Switch to the Particle Editor to edit particle effects.
  • editsprites/spriteeditor: Switch to the Sprite Editor to edit the source rects and origins of sprites.
  • editsubs/subeditor [sub file path]: Switch to the Submarine Editor to create or edit submarines.
  • enablecheats: Enables cheat commands and disables Steam achievements during this play session.
  • enablecrewai: Enable the AI of the NPCs in the crew.
  • enableenemyai: Enable the AI of the Enemy characters (monsters).
  • endgame/endround/end: End the current round.
  • entitydata [entity id]: Argument 1 is required.
  • eventmanager: Toggle event manager on/off. No new random events are created when the event manager is disabled.
  • eventstats [0-7] [true/false]: Argument 2 determines if the entire log will be displayed instead of a summary.
  • explosion [range] [force] [damage] [structure damage] [item damage] [emp strength] [ballast flora damage]: Creates an explosion at the position of the cursor.
  • findentityids [entity name]: N/A
  • fire/editfire: Allows putting up fires by left clicking.
  • fixhulls/fixwalls: Fixes all walls.
  • fixitems: Repairs all items and restores them to full condition.
  • flipx: mirror the main submarine horizontally
  • followsub: Toggle whether the camera should follow the nearest submarine (client-only).
  • fpscounter: Toggle the FPS counter.
  • freecamera/freecam: Detach the camera from the controlled character.
  • freeze: (No in-game description)
  • game: Go to the "in-game" view.
  • gamemode [name/index]: Select the game mode for the next round. The parameter can either be the name or the index number of the game mode (0 = sandbox, 1 = mission, etc).
  • giveaffliction [affliction name] [strength] [character name] [limb type] [use relative strength (true/false)]: Add an affliction to a character. If the name parameter is omitted, the affliction is added to the controlled character.
  • givecommandperm [client id/steam id/ip address/player name] [all/command]: Gives the specified client the permission to use the specified console commands.
  • giveexperience [amount] [character name]: Give experience to character.
  • giveperm [client id/steam id/ip address/player name] [all/permission]: Grants administrative permissions to the specified client.
  • giverank [client id/steam id/ip address/player name] [rank]: Argument 1 is required.
  • givetalent [talent name/id] [character name]: give the talent to the specified character. If the character argument is omitted, the talent is given to the controlled character.
  • godmode [character name]: Toggle character godmode. Makes the targeted character invulnerable to damage. If the name parameter is omitted, the controlled character will receive godmode.
  • godmode_mainsub: Toggle submarine godmode. Makes the main submarine invulnerable to damage.
  • growthdelay [delay]: Sets how long it takes for planters to attempt to advance a plant's growth.
  • head [head id] [hair index] [beard index] [moustache index] [face attachment index]: Load the head sprite and the wearables (hair etc). Required argument: head id. Optional arguments: hair index, beard index, moustache index, face attachment index.
  • heal [character name] [all]: Restore the specified character to full health. If the name parameter is omitted, the controlled character will be healed. By default only heals common afflictions such as physical damage and blood loss: use the "all" argument to heal everything, including poisonings/addictions/etc.
  • help [command]: (No in-game description)
  • hidemonsters: Permanently hides in the character editor all the monsters that haven't been encountered in the game. Use "showmonsters" to undo.
  • hudlayoutdebugdraw/debugdrawhudlayout: Toggle the debug drawing mode of HUD layout areas on/off.
  • interactdebugdraw/debugdrawinteract: Toggle the debug drawing mode of item interaction ranges on/off.
  • itemassemblies: List all the item assemblies available for spawning.
  • itemcomponentdocumentation [destination path]: (No in-game description)
  • items/itemlist: List all the item prefabs available for spawning.
  • jointscale [scale]: Define the jointscale for the controlled character. Provide id or name if you want to target another character. Note: the changes are not saved!
  • kick [player name]: Kick a player out of the server.
  • kickid [client id]: Kick the player with the specified client ID out of the server. You can see the IDs of the clients using the command "clientlist".
  • kill [character name]: Immediately kills the specified character.
  • killdisconnectedtimer [seconds]: Set the time after which disconnect players' characters get automatically killed.
  • killmonsters: Immediately kills all AI-controlled enemies in the level.
  • lighting/lights [true/false]: Toggle lighting on/off (client-only).
  • limbscale [scale]: Define the limbscale for the controlled character. Provide id or name if you want to target another character. Note: the changes are not saved!
  • listcloudfiles: Lists all of your files on the Steam Cloud.
  • listcoroutines: Lists all coroutines currently running.
  • listtasks: Lists all asynchronous tasks currently in the task pool.
  • loadtexts [source path] [destination path]: Loads all lines of text from a given .txt file and inserts them sequientially into the elements of an xml file. If the file paths are omitted, EnglishVanilla.txt and EnglishVanilla.xml are used.
  • loadwearable [variant]: Force select certain variant for the selected character.
  • lock: Lock movement of the main submarine.
  • lockx: Lock horizontal movement of the main submarine.
  • locky: Lock vertical movement of the main submarine.
  • los [true/false]: Toggle the line of sight effect on/off (client-only)
  • mainmenu/menu: Go to the main menu.
  • maxupgrades [category] [prefab]: Maxes out all upgrades or only specific one if given arguments.
  • messagebox/guimessagebox [header] [msg] [default/ingame]: Creates a message box.
  • mission [name]: Select the mission type for the next round.
  • money [amount] [character name]: Gives the specified amount of money to the crew when a campaign is active.
  • msg [msg]: Send a chat message with no sender specified.
  • multiplylights [value]: Multiplies the colors of all the static lights in the sub with the given Vector4 value (for example, 1,1,1,0.5).
  • mute [player name]: Prevent the client from speaking through the voice chat.
  • netstats: Toggles the visibility of the network statistics UI.
  • oxygen/air: Replenishes the oxygen levels in every room to 100%.
  • pause: Toggles the pause state when playing offline
  • power: Immediately powers up the submarine's nuclear reactor.
  • quickstart [sub name] [difficulty] [level gen parameters identifier]: Starts a singleplayer sandbox
  • ragdoll [character name]: Force-ragdoll the specified character. If the name parameter is omitted, the controlled character will be ragdolled.
  • ragdollscale [scale]: Rescale the ragdoll of the controlled character. Provide id or name if you want to target another character. Note: the changes are not saved!
  • randomizeseed: Toggles level seed randomization on/off.
  • readycheck: Commence a ready check in multiplayer.
  • recreateragdoll [character name]: Recreate the ragdoll of the controlled character. Provide id or name if you want to target another character.
  • reloadcorepackage: (No in-game description)
  • reloadsprite/reloadsprites [id/name] [item id/sprite name]: Reloads the sprites of the selected item(s)/structure(s) (hovering over or selecting in the subeditor) or the controlled character. Can also reload sprites by entity id or by the name attribute (sprite element). Example 1:
  • reloadsprite id itemid. Example 2: reloadsprite name "Sprite name"
  • reloadwearables [character name]: Reloads the sprites of all limbs and wearable sprites (clothing) of the controlled character. Provide id or name if you want to target another character.
  • removefromcloud [file name/index]: Removes a file from Steam Cloud.
  • resetall: Reset all items and structures to prefabs. Only applicable in the subeditor.
  • resetentitiesbyidentifier [entity tag/id]: Reset items and structures with the given tag/identifier to prefabs. Only applicable in the subeditor.
  • resetkarma [player name]: Resets the karma value of the specified client to 100.
  • resetragdoll [character name]: Reset the ragdoll of the controlled character. Provide id or name if you want to target another character.
  • resetselected: Reset selected items and structures to prefabs. Only applicable in the subeditor.
  • respawnnow: Trigger a respawn immediately if there are any clients waiting to respawn.
  • restart/reset: Close and restart the server.
  • revive [character name]: Bring the specified character back from the dead. If the name parameter is omitted, the controlled character will be revived.
  • revokecommandperm [client id/steam id/ip address/player name] [all/command]: Revokes permission to use the specified console commands from the specified client.
  • revokeperm [client id/steam id/ip address/player name] [all/permission]: Revokes administrative permissions from the specified client.
  • savebinds: Writes current keybinds into the config file.
  • say [msg]: Send a global chat message. When issued through the server command line, displays "HOST" as the sender.
  • seed/levelseed [seed]: Changes the level seed for the next round.
  • sendchatmessage [sender] [msg] [type] [red] [green] [blue] [alpha]: Sends a chat message with specified type and color.
  • servermsg [msg]: Change the message displayed in the server lobby.
  • servername [name]: Change the name of the server.
  • setcampaignmetadata [identifier] [value]: Sets the specified campaign metadata value.
  • setclientcharacter [player name] [character name]: Gives the client control of the specified character.
  • setdifficulty/forcedifficulty [0-100]: Leave the parameter empty to disable.
  • setentityproperties [property] [value]: Sets the value of some property on all selected items/structures in the sub editor.
  • setfreecamspeed [speed]: Set the camera movement speed when not controlling a character. Defaults to 1.
  • setkarma [player name] [karma (0-100)]: Sets the karma of the specified client to the specified value.
  • setlocationreputation [value]: Set the reputation in the current location to the specified value.
  • setmaxplayers/maxplayers [player count (≤16)]: Sets the maximum player count of the server that's being hosted.
  • setpassword/setserverpassword/password [password]: Changes the password of the server that's being hosted.
  • setreputation [faction] [value]: Set the reputation of a location to the specified value.
  • setskill [all/identifier] [max/level] [character name]: Set your skill level.
  • shake: (No in-game description)
  • showkarma: Show the current karma values of the players.
  • showmoney: Shows the amount of money in everyones wallet.
  • showmonsters: Permanently unlocks all the monsters in the character editor. Use "hidemonsters" to undo.
  • showperf: Toggle performance statistics on/off.
  • showperm [client id/steam id/ip address/name]: Shows the current administrative permissions of the specified client.
  • showreputation: List the current reputation values.
  • showseed/showlevelseed: Show the seed of the current level.
  • shuttle [name]: Select the specified submarine as the respawn shuttle for the next round.
  • simulatedduplicateschance [dupe ratio]: simulates packet duplication in network messages. For example, a value of 0.1 would mean there's a 10% chance a packet gets sent twice. Useful for simulating real network conditions when testing the multiplayer locally.
  • simulatedlatency [min latency] [random latency]: applies a simulated latency to network messages. Useful for simulating real network conditions when testing the multiplayer locally.
  • simulatedloss [loss ratio]: applies simulated packet loss to network messages. For example, a value of 0.1 would mean 10% of the packets are dropped. Useful for simulating real network conditions when testing the multiplayer locally.
  • skipeventcooldown: Skips the currently active event cooldown and triggers pending monster spawns immediately.
  • spawn/spawncharacter [creature/job name] [near/inside/outside/cursor] [team (0-3)]: Spawn a creature at a random spawnpoint (use the second parameter to only select spawnpoints near/inside/outside the submarine). You can also enter the name of a job (e.g. "Mechanic") to spawn a character with a specific job and the appropriate equipment.
  • spawnitem [item name/id] [cursor/inventory/cargo/random/character name] [amount]: Spawn an item at the position of the cursor, in the inventory of the controlled character, in the inventory of the client with the given name, or at a random spawnpoint if the last parameter is omitted or "random".
  • spawnsub [sub name] [true/false]: Spawn a submarine at the position of the cursor
  • spreadsheetexport: Export items in format recognized by the spreadsheet importer.
  • startgame/startround/start: Start a new round.
  • startitems/startitemset [identifier]: start item set identifier
  • startlidgrenclient [ip address]: (No in-game description)
  • startsteamp2pclient: (No in-game description)
  • starttraitormissionimmediately: Skip the initial delay of the traitor mission and start one immediately.
  • startwhenclientsready [true/false]: Enable or disable automatically starting the round when clients are ready to start.
  • steamnetdebug: Toggles Steamworks networking debug logging.
  • sub/submarine [name]: Select the submarine for the next round.
  • tags/taglist: list all the tags used in the game
  • teleportcharacter/teleport [character name]: Teleport the specified character to the position of the cursor. If the name parameter is omitted, the controlled character will be teleported.
  • teleportsub [start/end/cursor]: Teleport the submarine to the position of the cursor, or the start or end of the level. WARNING: does not take outposts into account, so often leads to physics glitches. Only use for debugging.
  • toggleaitargets: (No in-game description)
  • togglecampaignteleport: Toggle on/off teleportation between campaign locations by double clicking on the campaign map.
  • togglecharacternames: Toggle the names hovering above characters on/off (client-only).
  • togglegrid: Toggle visual snap grid in sub editor.
  • togglehud/hud: Toggle the character HUD (inventories, icons, buttons, etc) on/off (client-only).
  • toggleitemhighlights: Toggle the item highlight effect on/off (client-only).
  • togglekarma: Toggle the karma system on/off.
  • togglekarmatestmode/karmatestmode: Toggle the karma test mode on/off. When test mode is enabled, clients get notified when their karma value changes (including the reason for the increase/decrease) and the server doesn't ban clients whose karma decreases below the ban threshold.
  • toggleupperhud: Toggle the upper part of the ingame HUD (chatbox, crewmanager) on/off (client-only).
  • togglevoicechatfilters [true/false]: Toggle the radio/muffle filters in the voice chat (client-only).
  • traitorlist: List all the traitors and their targets.
  • triggerevent [event id]: Created a new event.
  • unban [player name]: Unban a specific client.
  • unbanip [ip address]: Unban a specific IP.
  • unbindkey [key]: Unbinds a command.
  • unlockmission [identifier/tag]: Unlocks a mission in a random adjacent level.
  • unlocktalents [all/job name] [character]: give the specified character all the talents of the specified class
  • unmute [player name]: Allow the client to speak through the voice chat.
  • updatetextfile [source path] [destination path]: Inserts all the xml elements that are only present in the source file into the destination file. Can be used to update outdated translation files more easily.
  • upgradeitem [upgrade] [level] [item tag]: Adds an upgrade to the current targeted item.
  • verboselogging: Toggle verbose console logging on/off. When on, additional debug information is written to the debug console.
  • water/editwater: Toggle water editing. Allows adding water into rooms by holding the left mouse button and removing it by holding the right mouse button.
  • wikiimage_character: Save an image of the currently controlled character with a transparent background.
  • wikiimage_sub: Save an image of the main submarine with a transparent background.


  • ManageRound: Allows players to start and end rounds.
  • Kick: Allows players to kick other players.
  • Ban: Allows players to ban other players.
  • Unban: Allows players to unban other players.
  • SelectSub: Allows players to select the sub when the selection mode is on "Manual".
  • SelectMode: Allows players to select the gamemode.
  • ManageCampaign: Same as giving ManageMoney, SellInventoryItems, SellSubItems, ManageMap, and ManageHires permissions.
  • ConsoleCommands: Allows players to use Console Commands. Permissions for individual console commands are also required.
  • ServerLog: Allows players to read the server logs.
  • ManageSettings: Allows players to change the server's settings.
  • ManagePermissions: Allows players to change the permissions of other clients. Plays can only grant permissions that they already have.
  • KarmaImmunity: Immunizes players against the effects of Karma.
  • ManageMoney: Allows players to take money from the bank without needing a vote, set salaries, and take money from other player's wallets.
  • SellInventoryItems: Allows players to sell items to shops from their inventories.
  • SellSubItems: Allows players to sell items to shops directly from the submarine.
  • ManageMap: Allows players to select missions and destinations on the campaign map.
  • ManageHires: Allows players to hire and fire NPC crewmates.
  • ManageBotTalents: Allows players to select talents for NPC crewmates.
  • All: Grants players all permissions.
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