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Around the Web: 5 Must See Minecraft Reddit Posts

Posted on by bisecthosting

Reddit’s /r/Minecraft is home to a wide variety of Minecraft fans. Developers included! And when a community as creative as Minecraft’s comes together, amazing creations are bound to be shared. Today we will be exploring five recent /r/Minecraft posts you absolutely don’t want to miss.

A Terrifying Bug

Minecraft: The Wild Update is still a ways away, but that has not stopped players from testing out its features in the latest Bedrock Dev Build. And it is a good thing they do! /u/JamesLovesTV shared the horrifying footage of a bug that allows Minecraft’s newly added frogs to eat entire goats alive. It’s a good thing frogs are a neutral mob!

The Evolving Minecraft Meta

Our next post brings about some nostalgia for updates past. The image above by /u/Kelometer shows what the most prepared players looked like over the years. For myself, it was the “2011” loadout with those exact items for fighting in my server’s arena. Which represents the beginning of your Minecraft journey?

World’s Fastest Hoglin Farm

Made entirely in vanilla using a portal bug, /u/The_Duck_001 showed off their far from ethical hoglin farm. One where countless hoglins fall to their death as they burn producing 1.1 million items an hour. Make sure your Minecraft server has extra RAM if you intend to try this at home!

DON’T MISS IT: Minecraft Reaches 1 Trillion Views on YouTube

Gifts From Grandma

Grandmothers may be from a different generation, but that does not stop them from trying to understand what their grandchildren love! Take the first of these two posts, for example. Despite knowing nothing of the game, /u/DWiko’s mother-in-law researched Minecraft characters to make a one-of-a-kind quilt for her grandchild. The image speaks for itself should any be wondering if he liked it!

Part two of number two on our list, or perhaps 1.5, is another gift from a grandmother, but one older players will appreciate. In 2013, long before the recipe book, everyone had to memorize the crafting recipes or look them up each and every time. /u/-pawix’s grandmother took notice of this plight and created a real recipe book for her grandson. Inside was a getting started section, crafting guide, and even Redstone tutorials!

Monty Python in Minecraft

Number one on our list is an in-game animation using audio from one of Monty Python and the Holy Grail’s funniest scenes. /u/Atillion stated once they saw Minecraft’s Killer Rabbit, they just had to make it, and we are glad they did! Enjoy the humorous carnage like never before in this Minecraft animation!

Content Yet Explored

Our list has reached its end, but /r/Minecraft’s hasn’t! We only picked five from a sea of so many amazing posts waiting to be seen. Check out the top posts of all time for years upon years worth of content. You won’t be disappointed!

Until Next Time,

BisectHosting =)

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