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ARK: Survival Evolved King Titan Guide: Location, Summon Requirements, Loot, & More

Posted on by justin
Some ARK survivors might think they can defeat all bosses in the game with their band of tamed creatures. Many will learn otherwise, however, when they meet the King Titan in ARK: Survival Evolved. This fearsome creature takes no prisoners, but you can properly prepare for this fight by reading this guide.

King Titan Location and Tribute Requirements in ARK: Survival Evolved

As one of the four Titans in the ARK Extinction DLC, the King Titan in ARK: Survival Evolved will kill everything that moves in its arena. The game even calls it an “Omega Level” threat. Its massive size can even make other creatures, like the Dunkleosteus, minuscule in comparison. Find the King Titan Arena in the Extinction map. Here, travel to the coordinates 03.4 LAT, 49.2 LON, where you’ll find the terminal to enter the boss’ battleground. The items to tribute will be the same for each boss tier. However, the amount of items needed to fight the King Titan differs for each tier.
  • Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth: 5 for Gamma, 10 for Beta and Alpha
  • Corrupt Heart (Extinction): 150 for Gamma, 300 for Beta and Alpha
  • Giganotosaurus Heart: 20 (only for Alpha)
  • Spinosaurus Sail: 20 (only for Alpha)
  • Titanoboa Venom: 10 for Gamma, 20 for Beta and Alpha
  • Desert Titan Trophy (Extinction): 1 for all tiers
  • Forest Titan Trophy (Extinction): 1 for all tiers
  • Ice Titan Trophy (Extinction): 1 for all tiers
  • King Titan Trophy (Gamma) (Extinction): 1 (only for Beta)
  • King Titan Trophy (Beta) (Extinction): 1 (only for Alpha)

King Titan Stats and Growth

ARK Survival Evolved King Titan Guide It’s important to mention that the King Titan in ARK: Survival Evolved spawns at Level 7500. In comparison, other bosses, such as the Broodmother Lysrix, can spawn at Level 1.
Gamma Stats
  • Health: 1,500,000
  • Stamina: 1,000,000 (+100,000 level increase)
  • Oxygen: 150 (+15 level increase)
  • Food: 100 (+150 level increase)
  • Weight: 100 (+80 level increase)
  • Melee Damage: N/A
  • Movement Speed: 100%
  • Torpidity: 100 (+6 level increase)
Beta Stats
  • Health: 1,500,000
  • Stamina: 100,000 (+10,000 level increase)
  • Oxygen: 150 (+15 level increase)
  • Food: 100 (+150 level increase)
  • Weight: 100 (+80 level increase)
  • Melee Damage: N/A
  • Movement Speed: 100%
  • Torpidity: 100 (+6 level increase)
Alpha Stats
  • Health: 1,500,000
  • Stamina: 100,000 (+10,000 level increase)
  • Oxygen: 150 (+15 level increase)
  • Food: 100 (+150 level increase)
  • Weight: 100 (+80 level increase)
  • Melee Damage: N/A
  • Movement Speed: 100%
  • Torpidity: 100 (+6 level increase)

Fight Tips for King Titan

Survivors should let the King Titan focus on the center of the arena. If it moves too far outside its area of concern, the creature will respawn at the center and recover its full health. Additionally, it’s wise to pay attention to its attacks. That way, you can move around the arena and counter accordingly. The attacks to watch out for are the following:
  • Stomps: The King Titans’ standard attack, and it’ll use its hands and feet to smoosh anything under it
  • Claw Strikes: The King Titan unleashes a flurry of claw strikes to its opponents
  • Tail Swipe: The King Titan whips its tail, slapping and causing knockback to all caught survivors and tamed creatures
  • Meteor Strike: The King Titan calls two to four meteors to the arena
  • Fireball: The King Titan conjures a slow-moving fireball that can be easily dodged but can deal massive damage when hit
  • Fist Pulse: The King Titan absorbs energy while it’s down, and it’ll release it to deal significant damage and knockback to nearby entities
  • Corruption Node: The King Titan spawns a Corrupted Gigas and other minions with this structure
After learning its attack patterns, don’t forget to bring as many health-restoring consumables as possible. Don’t be stingy in using these items, especially when a meteor impact catches you off-guard. Next, command your tames into two groups. The first group of domesticated creatures will be on the frontlines, taunting the King Titan as much as possible. The other group will defend the Corruption Node, preventing the King Titan from summoning more minions to the arena, which would otherwise make the fight more challenging than expected. Speaking of tames, some of the recommended creatures to bring to this fight are the following:
  • An Ice Titan for its combat efficiency
  • A Forest Titan, thanks to its considerable health and defense to help tank the King Titan
  • The Snow Owl to heal allied creatures, and it can also be used as a flying mount for the commanding survivor
  • Wyverns for their breath AoE breath attacks
  • A Yutyrannus for its Courage roar, preventing the summoned minions from interfering with the fight

King Titan Loot Table

The King Titan in ARK: Survival Evolved drops the King Titan Trophy when it dies. Defeating this boss can also drop various items or their blueprint variants, which are the following:
  • Advanced Bullet
  • Advanced Rifle Bullet
  • Advanced Sniper Bullet
  • Assault Rifle
  • Cannon Shell (Extinction)
  • Compound Bow
  • Element
  • Fabricated Pistol
  • Fabricated Sniper Rifle
  • Flak Boots
  • Flak Chestpiece
  • Flak Gauntlets
  • Flak Helmet
  • Flak Leggings
  • Fur Boots
  • Fur Cap
  • Fur Chestpiece
  • Fur Gauntlets
  • Fur Leggings
  • Ghillie Boots
  • Ghillie Chestpiece
  • Ghillie Gauntlets
  • Ghillie Leggings
  • Ghillie Mask
  • Longneck Rifle
  • M.D.S.M. (Extinction)
  • M.R.L.M. (Extinction)
  • M.S.C.M. (Extinction)
  • M.O.M.I. (Extinction)
  • Pump-Action Shotgun
  • Riot Boots
  • Riot Chestpiece
  • Riot Gauntlets
  • Riot Helmet
  • Riot Leggings
  • Rocket Pod (Extinction)
  • Rocket Propelled Grenade
  • Simple Pistol
  • Simple Shotgun Ammo
  • Sword
  • TEK Chestpiece
  • Tek Boots
  • Tek Gauntlets
  • Tek Helmet
  • Tek Leggings
  • Tek Railgun (Aberration)
  • Tek Rifle
  • Tek Sword (Ragnarok)
Note that defeating the King Titan will drop the items mentioned above regardless of its tier. The difference between the drops for each tier is the quantity and quality of the items received. Killing the Gamma-tier King Titan will drop a crate with 18 to 24 items, whereas the Beta and Alpha tiers have 24 to 30. Item quality received also differs for each tier. In particular, the loot received from defeating the Gamma tier will have 200% to 450% quality, the Beta tier has items with 350% to 550% quality, and the Alpha tier has 400% to 800% quality.
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