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ARK: Survival Evolved - Best Dino Tier List

Posted on by justin
Dinosaurs are extinct, massive reptiles that roamed the Earth during prehistoric times. ARK survivors can find and even tame these creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved. However, it can be challenging to choose which dino is the best to domesticate for its features and abilities. So, we prepared this ARK: Survival Evolved Best Dino Tier List to help you make an informed decision.

ARK: Survival Evolved Best Dinos Ranked

ARK Survival Evolved Best Dino Tier List While certain dinosaurs in ARK: Survival Evolved are often lauded as the best, such as the formidable Rex, it's important to remember that the ultimate choice of which dino is the best is still subject to preference. Remember, the thrill of the game lies in personal preference and strategic adaptability, not just the power of a particular creature. With that, here are the best dinos in ARK: Survival Evolved that can help enhance your gameplay:

10. Iguanodon

ARK Survival Evolved Iguanodon Upon spawning in The Island, new survivors may want to search for a way to explore the map faster than on foot. The Iguanodon is typically one of your first choices to turn this dream into reality. Iguanodons in ARK: Survival Evolved are peaceful herbivores that defend themselves with thumb spikes when attacked. They can switch between bipedal and quadrupedal modes, resembling a Parasaurolophus without the crest. This creature can be the best dino in ARK: Survival Evolved, especially for beginners, since it can provide immense utility in the beginning. Apart from being a considerably fast land mount, it can help in completing other tasks, such as farming for berries and defeating low-level enemies.

Base Stats and Growth

  • Health: 250 base value. +50 per level increase for wild units.
  • Stamina: 200 base value. +20 per level increase for wild units.
  • Oxygen: 150 base value. +15 per level increase for wild units.
  • Food: 1,800 base value. +180 per level increase for wild units.
  • Weight: 375 base value. +7.5 per level increase for wild units.
  • Melee Damage: 25 base value. +1.25 per level increase for wild units.
  • Movement Speed: 100% base value.
  • Torpidity: 210 base value. +12.6 per level increase for wild units.

9. Triceratops

ARK Survival Evolved Triceratops Also called the Trike, the Triceratops is a non-aggressive herbivore that only becomes dangerous when attacked. It charges and bucks enemies with its horned head, knocking them back. When charging, this creature is faster, impaling anyone and anything that dared enter its path. Trikes are herding animals and come to the aid of others when attacked. These dinosaurs also have stout bodies with large bony heads, frills, and horns. Outside of its combat prowess, the Triceratops has excellent berry-gathering abilities. It has a fairly high harvest rate and can carry a large number of berries without being weighed down. This dino is also effective for farming levels and loot from Alpha Raptors, thanks to its strong frontal defense.

Base Stats and Growth

  • Health: 375 base value. +75 per level increase for wild units.
  • Stamina: 150 base value. +15 per level increase for wild units.
  • Oxygen: 150 base value. +15 per level increase for wild units.
  • Food: 3,000 base value. +300 per level increase for wild units.
  • Weight: 365 base value. +7.3 per level increase for wild units.
  • Melee Damage: 32 base value. +1.6 per level increase for wild units.
  • Movement Speed: 100% base value.
  • Torpidity: 250 base value. +15 per level increase for wild units.

8. Stegosaurus

ARK Survival Evolved Stegosaurus The Stegosaurus joins this tier list of the best dinos in ARK: Survival Evolved for different reasons. For starters, this passive dino can bring massive hurt to anyone who tries to disturb its peace. It can use its spiked tail to attack while herding its pack to ensure everyone’s safety. Touted as one of the best dinos to tame during the game’s early stages, the Stegosaurus becomes one of the most useful dinosaurs in the game. This creature excels at carrying heavy loads and gathering resources like berries, wood, thatch, and stone while still being capable of defending itself.

Base Stats and Growth

  • Health: 650 base value. +130 per level increase for wild units.
  • Stamina: 300 base value. +30 per level increase for wild units.
  • Oxygen: 150 base value. +15 per level increase for wild units.
  • Food: 6,000 base value. +600 per level increase for wild units.
  • Weight: 500 base value. +10 per level increase for wild units.
  • Melee Damage: 42 base value. +2.1 per level increase for wild units.
  • Movement Speed: 100% base value.
  • Torpidity: 500 base value. +30 per level increase for wild units.

7. Titanosaur

ARK Survival Evolved Titanosaur Arguably the best dino in ARK: Survival Evolved in terms of size, the Titanosaur is the largest dinosaur in the base game. It’s a gigantic yet peaceful creature roaming the land in search of food and causing deforestation in its wake. This dino will remain non-threatening unless provoked but becomes a formidable opponent if attacked. Even when tamed, the Titanosaur’s owner will typically find it challenging to control the creature, particularly because of its massive appetite requirements. Failure to keep hunger in check may result in the dino returning to the wild instead of starving in captivity. If controlled properly, the Titanosaur can lay devastation in its wake. Survivors should also be careful when maneuvering this massive creature since one wrong step can ruin an entire base.

Base Stats and Growth

  • Health: 230,000 base value. +0 per level increase for wild units.
  • Stamina: 2,000 base value. +0 per level increase for wild units.
  • Oxygen: 600 base value. +0 per level increase for wild units.
  • Food: 8,640 base value. +0 per level increase for wild units.
  • Weight: 50,000 base value. +0 per level increase for wild units.
  • Melee Damage: 1,000 base value. +0 per level increase for wild units.
  • Movement Speed: 100% base value.
  • Torpidity: 25,000 base value. +1,500 per level increase for wild units.

6. Therizinosaur

ARK Survival Evolved Therizinosaur The Therizinosaur joins other dinosaurs in this tier list thanks to it being a powerful herbivore. It mainly uses its scythe-like claws to consume vegetation but can also use them for combat. Despite its docile appearance, it can become one of the deadliest killers in the game when provoked. Players can find Therizinosaurs alone or in small groups, and they will aggressively respond to any threats. Caution is advised as these dinosaurs are relentless in pursuing targets and can take down even advanced players and structures. As a tamed creature, the Therizinosaur uses its combat capabilities to decimate unprepared players. Additionally, this dino can be a good mode of transportation. Some players may even consider this dinosaur to be one of the best harvesters in ARK: Survival Evolved.

Base Stats and Growth

  • Health: 870 base value. +174 per level increase for wild units.
  • Stamina: 300 base value. +30 per level increase for wild units.
  • Oxygen: 150 base value. +15 per level increase for wild units.
  • Food: 3,000 base value. +300 per level increase for wild units.
  • Weight: 365 base value. +7.3 per level increase for wild units.
  • Melee Damage: 52/5 base value. +2.6/+0.25 per level increase for wild units.
  • Movement Speed: 100% base value.
  • Torpidity: 925 base value. +55.5 per level increase for wild units.

5. Ankylosaurus

ARK Survival Evolved Ankylosaurus Many peaceful-looking dinosaurs in ARK: Survival Evolved are also the most devastating in the game, including the Ankylosaurus. Despite its peaceful demeanor, this dino’s incredible defense and powerful offense make it the four-legged tank of relatively any battlefield. Outside of combat, this dino excels in mining metal with its giant tail. This dinosaur's tail also makes mining trips more efficient than normal, allowing players to improve gear and increase base levels significantly.

Base Stats and Growth

  • Health: 700 base value. +140 per level increase for wild units.
  • Stamina: 175 base value. +17.5 per level increase for wild units.
  • Oxygen: 150 base value. +15 per level increase for wild units.
  • Food: 3,000 base value. +300 per level increase for wild units.
  • Weight: 250 base value. +5 per level increase for wild units.
  • Melee Damage: 50/30 base value. +2.5/+1.5 per level increase for wild units.
  • Movement Speed: 100% base value.
  • Torpidity: 420 base value. +25.2 per level increase for wild units.

4. Baryonyx

ARK Survival Evolved Baryonyx The Baryonyx is a mid-sized carnivorous dinosaur with a unique appearance resembling a hybrid of Kaprosuchus and Spinosaurus. It has a crocodile-like head, serrated teeth, long arms with large claws, and is about the size of a Carnotaurus. Despite being slower than a Megalodon, the Baryonyx can stun creatures with its spin attack for 10 seconds, making it a versatile aquatic mount and fighter. However, its stun does not work on very small or large dangerous creatures, which means players must choose their battles wisely when controlling a tamed Baryonyx. Apart from being an excellent aquatic fighter, the Baryonyx is also an excellent underwater miner. A player can even equip a weapon or tool while riding this creature. Additionally, this dino doesn’t require oxygen, removing the necessity to return to the surface for air.

Base Stats and Growth

  • Health: 440 base value. +88 per level increase for wild units.
  • Stamina: 325 base value. +32.5 per level increase for wild units.
  • Oxygen: 225 base value. +22.5 per level increase for wild units.
  • Food: 2,250 base value. +225 per level increase for wild units.
  • Weight: 325 base value. +6.5 per level increase for wild units.
  • Melee Damage: 35/25 base value. +1.75/+1.25 per level increase for wild units.
  • Movement Speed: 100% base value.
  • Torpidity: 400 base value. +24 per level increase for wild units.

3. Magmasaur

ARK Survival Evolved Magmasaur The Magmasaur receives one of the top ranks in this tier list for its superb combat prowess and excellent utility. With an appearance that resembles a bearded dragon and a body shape akin to a rock drake, this dinosaur gains strength through heat, swimming in lava, and disliking water. With lava as its home, the Magmasaur has a heat-resistant hide, making it an excellent shield against various attacks. Once tamed, this dino can act as a mobile forge. Players can also equip a Magmasaur with a Mining Drill to harvest resources like stone, wood, and thatch.

Base Stats and Growth

  • Health: 3,000 base value. +150 per level increase for wild units.
  • Stamina: 500 base value. +25 per level increase for wild units.
  • Oxygen: 200 base value. +20 per level increase for wild units.
  • Food: 2,000 base value. +200 per level increase for wild units.
  • Weight: 550 base value. +11 per level increase for wild units.
  • Melee Damage: 120 base value. +3.6 per level increase for wild units.
  • Movement Speed: 100% base value.
  • Torpidity: 725 base value. +43.5 per level increase for wild units.

2. Yutyrannus

ARK Survival Evolved Yutyrannus The Yutyrannus in Ark: Survival Ascended falls short of its taller cousin, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, in various areas. Nonetheless, the “Yuty" can still hold well in battle, and it can also become a great workhorse in a base. Albeit it’s smaller, this feathered dinosaur is aggressive towards humans and often accompanies a pack of Carnotaurus. Despite the dangers, taming a Yutyrannus has many benefits. While it can be offensive, its true strength lies in supporting friendly dinosaurs with its roars. For instance, the courage roar boosts damage and reduces damage taken, while the fear roar does the opposite to enemies. The Yutyrannus is unique in its ability to buff or debuff other creatures, making it a vital asset in battles in ARK: Survival Evolved.

Base Stats and Growth

  • Health: 1,100 base value. +220 per level increase for wild units.
  • Stamina: 420 base value. +42 per level increase for wild units.
  • Oxygen: 150 base value. +15 per level increase for wild units.
  • Food: 3,000 base value. +300 per level increase for wild units.
  • Weight: 500 base value. +10 per level increase for wild units.
  • Melee Damage: 55 base value. +2.75 per level increase for wild units.
  • Movement Speed: 100% base value.
  • Torpidity: 1,550 base value. +93 per level increase for wild units.

1. Rex

ARK Survival Evolved Rex Many players would argue that the best dino in ARK: Survival Evolved is the Tyrannosaurus Rex, simply known as "Rex." This dinosaur has been made popular by various pop-culture media, thanks in part to its ferocity and carnivorous nature. In ARK: Survival Evolved, Rex is a large two-legged dinosaur with pebbly scales. This creature has a smooth tan underbelly, large bony scutes along its neck and back, long legs with three thick toes, and disproportionately small arms. When tamed, Rex can be ridden and has a menacing aura, leaving fear in its wake. Doing so makes smaller creatures cower in terror, except for certain apex predators, making its rider relatively safe from most in-game creatures.

Base Stats and Growth

  • Health: 1,100 base value. +220 per level increase for wild units.
  • Stamina: 420 base value. +42 per level increase for wild units.
  • Oxygen: 150 base value. +15 per level increase for wild units.
  • Food: 3,000 base value. +300 per level increase for wild units.
  • Weight: 500 base value. +10 per level increase for wild units.
  • Melee Damage: 55 base value. +2.75 per level increase for wild units.
  • Movement Speed: 100% base value.
  • Torpidity: 1,550 base value. +93 per level increase for wild units.
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