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All Vanilla Minecraft Enchantments

Posted on by bisecthosting

Mastering the many magics of Minecraft takes time, patience, and most annoyingly, the understanding of a magical language no one knows how to read. Today we will be transcribing the runes of all vanilla Minecraft enchantments for an easy list to reference or casually peruse.

All Vanilla Minecraft Enchantments

All Vanilla Minecraft Enchantments: Unenchanted Book

Type: All Items and armor with durability.

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: None

Reduces the chance of an item taking durability damage during use.


Type: All Items and armor with durability.

Max Level: I

Incompatibilities: Infinity

EXP orbs automatically repair all items enchanted with mending instead of being added to the EXP bar.

Note: This enchantment is extremely rare. Mending is more commonly obtained as an enchanted book through chest loot, fishing, and trading. Bedrock players can obtain it through village raids as well.

Tool Enchantments

Minecraft's Diamond Pickaxe

Type: Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Hoe, Shears

Max Level: V

Incompatibilities: None

Increases gathering speed.

In Java Edition, efficiency additionally acts as a combat enchantment for axes increasing their stun rate versus shields by 5% per level.


Type: Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Hoe

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: Silk Touch

Increases the loot from blocks that drop items rather than blocks. The most notable examples being diamonds, emeralds, lapis, coal, etc. Iron ore and ancient debris would both be unaffected by Fortune, for example.

Silk Touch

Type: Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Hoe, Shears

Max Level: I

Incompatibilities: Fortune

Blocks that turn into different blocks or items when gathered now remain in their original state. Breaking diamond ore, which normally drops diamonds, would instead drop one diamond ore block, for example.


Type: Fishing Rod

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: None

Decreases the wait time between casting the line and a fish biting by five seconds per level. At level III, the maximum wait for a fish bite would be 5 to 15 seconds.

Luck of the Sea

Type: Fishing Rod

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: None

Increases the chance of fishing up treasure while also reducing the chance of getting junk.

Melee Weapon Enchantments

Minecraft's Diamond Sword

Type: Sword, Axe

Max Level: V

Incompatibilities: Smite, Bane of Arthropods

Increases damage against all players and mobs.


Type: Sword, Axe

Max Level: V

Incompatibilities: Sharpness, Bane of Arthropods

Increases damage against all undead mobs, including the Wither and Warden.

Bane of Arthropods

Type: Sword, Axe

Max Level: V

Incompatibilities: Sharpness, Smite

Increases damage against and applies Slowness IV to spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, endermites, and bees.

Sweeping Edge

Type: Sword

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: None

Increases sword damage caused by sweeping attacks.

Note: Sweeping Edge is exclusive to Java Edition. This unfortunatly means java edition is required to experience all vanilla Minecraft enchantments.

Fire Aspect

Type: Sword

Max Level: II

Incompatibilities: None

Players and mobs are set on fire when hit by swords with this enchantment.

In Bedrock Edition, swords with fire aspect can additionally be used to light candles, camp fires, and TNT.


Type: Sword

Max Level: II

Incompatibilities: None

Increases the knockback of attacks.


Type: Sword

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: None

Increases the number of items dropped by slain mobs.


Type: Axe

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods

Increases damage and shield stunning.

Note: This is an unreleased Java Edition enchantment that is subject to change if released at all.

Ranged Weapon Enchantments

Minecraft's Bow

Type: Trident

Max Level: V

Incompatibilities: None

In Java Edition, this enchantment increases damage against mobs that spawn naturally in the ocean.

In Bedrock Edition, this enchantment increases damage against all players and mobs in the water or rain.


Type: Trident

Max Level: I

Incompatibilities: Riptide

Causes a bolt of lighting to strike enemies hit by the enchanted trident. This enchantment only functions during thunderstorms and when the target is outside.


Type: Trident

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: Riptide

Thrown tridents return automatically after a short period of time. The return time is reduced for each level of loyalty.


Type: Trident

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: Channeling, Loyalty

Throwing a trident launches the player alongside it. This enchantment requires water or rain to function.


Type: Bow

Max Level: V

Incompatibilities: None

Increases arrow damage.


Type: Bow

Max Level: II

Incompatibilities: None

Increases arrow knockback.


Type: Bow

Max Level: I

Incompatibilities: None

Bows with this enchantment shoot flaming arrows. This enchantment has no effect if used in the rain or underwater.

Flaming arrows can additionally be used to light candles, campfires, and TNT.


Type: Bow

Max Level: I

Incompatibilities: Mending

Bows with this enchantment do not consume ammo. Tipped Arrows and spectral arrows must still be supplied, however.

Quick Charge

Type: Crossbow

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: None

Decreases the arrow drawback time before each shot.


Type: Crossbow

Max Level: IV

Incompatibilities: Multishot

Arrows pass through players, mobs, and shields.


Type: Crossbow

Max Level: I

Incompatibilities: Piercing

Launches a spread shot of three arrows for the cost of one.

Armor Enchantments

All Vanilla Minecraft Enchantments: Unenchanted Iron Chestplate
Aqua Affinity

Type: Helmet, Turtle Shell

Max Level: I

Incompatibilities: None

Increases underwater gathering speed.


Type: Helmet, Turtle Shell

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: None

Increases the time players can spend underwater before needing to return for air.


Type: Helmet, Turtle Shell, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots

Max Level: IV

Incompatibilities: Projectile Protection, Fire Protection, Blast Protection

Provides a reduction to most damage types. Status effects such as poison and wither are unaffected.

Projectile Protection

Type: Helmet, Turtle Shell, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots

Max Level: IV

Incompatibilities: Protection, Fire Protection, Blast Protection

Provides a reduction to projectile damage.

Fire Protection

Type: Helmet, Turtle Shell, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots

Max Level: IV

Incompatibilities: Protection, Projectile Protection, Blast Protection

Provides a reduction to fire damage and reduces burn time caused by fire aspect, lava, fire, etc.

Blast Protection

Type: Helmet, Turtle Shell, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots

Max Level: IV

Incompatibilities: Protection, Projectile Protection, Fire Protection,

Provides a reduction to explosion damage and reduces knockback caused by explosions.


Type: Helmet, Turtle Shell, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: None

Melee attacks against the enchanted piece of armor cause damage to the attacker. This occurs at the cost of the enchanted item’s durability.

Feather Falling

Type: Boots

Max Level: IV

Incompatibilities: None

Provides a reduction to fall damage.

Soul Speed

Type: Boots

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: Swift Sneak

Increases movement speed on Soul Sand and Soul Soil at the cost of durability.

Note: Soul Speed can only be obtained by bartering with piglins.

Swift Sneak

Type: Leggings

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: Soul Speed, Frost Walker, Depth Strider

Increases movement speed while sneaking.

Note: Swift Sneak can only be obtained by looting ancient cities.

Frost Walker

Type: Boots

Max Level: II

Incompatibilities: Swift Sneak, Depth Strider

Grants water walking by turning nearby water blocks to frosted ice and allows players to stand on campfires and magma blocks without taking damage. The frosted ice melts shortly after.

Note: Frost Walker can only be obtained through chest loot, fishing, village raids, and trading.

Depth Strider

Type: Boots

Max Level: III

Incompatibilities: Swift Sneak, Frost Walker

Increases underwater movement speed.


Minecraft's Pumpkin
Curse of Vanishing

Type: All Items

Max Level: I

Incompatibilities: None

Items with this curse are destroyed upon death.

Note: Curse of Vanishing can only be obtained from chest loot and fishing. Java Edition players may find it through villager trading as well.

Curse of Binding

Type: All Items that can be worn in the head, chest, legs, and feet armor slots.

Max Level: I

Incompatibilities: None

Items with this curse can only be removed through creative mode, breaking, or death.

Note: Curse of Binding can only be obtained from chest loot and fishing. Java Edition players may find it through villager trading as well.

An Enchanted Book’s End

As so ends the list of all vanilla Minecraft enchantments as of version 1.19. Hopefully it has answered any questions or helped find a new enchantment to look forward to. Just watch out for the warden if you are seeking a swift sneak book or two!

Until Next Time,

BisectHosting =)

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