It's time to venture even deeper into the paranormal dangers of Abiotic Factor now that the Dark Energy update has arrived. You and your friends have loads of new content to see, explore, and run from in terror as part of
update 0.10.0, and you can start doing it all today! Take a look below to see what new oddities await!
What’s Coming in the Abiotic Factor Dark Energy Update?

This is the second large content update for
Abiotic Factor, and it's certainly a big one! There's new content for the main story, an entirely new region to explore, and even a new faction. Part of the fun that comes with playing Abiotic Factor is being surprised by what you find. As a result, be aware that there are some small spoilers as we discuss the new content.
New Region: The Reactors
Unfortunately, the official patch notes don't give us too much information about the new Reactors region itself. They do, however, describe the area as a massive and unusual place. Fortunately, the rest of the patch notes have given us a rough idea of what we can expect to find:
New Faction: The Gatekeepers
These highly militant folks have set up camp within the Reactors, and they seem to be a tad unfriendly. Their purpose and how they came to live beneath the Facility is shrouded in mystery, and you'll have to do some careful investigating to find the truth.
Traveling Trader: Marion
Back in the GATE Cascade Research Facility, Marion has returned and can provide players with some new baubles. Traveling traders can be lured by placing a unique object in your base. Once that's done, you can expect to see them stop by for some trading on various days of the week.
All of the traders in the Facility also have a new UI that should make trading much easier.
New Tech: Teleporter Pads
This new piece of technology should make getting around loads quicker. Placing a teleporter and linking it to another teleporter creates an instant and reusable gateway. It isn't cheap, but it could definitely save time on backtracking.
New Tech: Hardlight Technology
With Hardlight tech, you can create bridges or bullet-repelling shields and potentially more. This interactive piece of tech is highly versatile and powerful.
New Pets: IS-0128
This new pet is surprisingly cuddly and offers some strange benefits to being well-fed. The patch notes don't tell us where you can find these long-nosed critters, but it does mention that they're ready to spew some paranormal goo just for you.
New Fishing Spots
There are more places to fish now, and even more fish to find. Catch 'em, cook 'em, and eat 'em!
New Armor & Weapons
To help you survive the newest dangers in the Reactors, new sets of armor and weapons have been implemented. Some specific weapon additions are the Harpoon Spear and "Exor" weaponry.
The Harpoon Spear is particularly useful for keeping your enemies at a distance, and "Exor" weaponry are tools dropped by some of the paranormal enemies found within Abiotic Factor. Time to fight fire with fire!
Additionally, military-grade explosives can now be found, lasers have been improved to be more reliable, and an all new [REDACTION] Grenade has been added. Careful! It creates a miniature black hole when thrown, and sucks up everything near it.
New Gear
In order to make venturing through the Facility more enjoyable, the Long Jump Pack has been added to make gap traversal easier. Not only that, but the Pocket Dimension Pack houses an entire dimension in your backpack so you can carry even more materials. And, finally, the Spawn Inhibitor can keep your base from receiving pesky visitors that spawn too close to home.
New Abiotic Factor Roadmap
In addition to all of the new content with Dark Energy, Deep Field Games also provided players with a new updated roadmap. According to the roadmap, major update #3 will also see Abiotic Factor leaving early access. This 1.0 update is being called Cold Fusion, and is currently targeting a late spring release.
With Cold Fusion, the final chapter of the main story will be added, more new enemies, another new faction, an upgrade system, power armor, new items, new resources, and much more.
If that weren't enough, the roadmap also teases content beyond the game's full release with a message saying, "1.1...and beyond?" Deep Field Games has described their roadmap as a living one which means everything is subject to change. What does the future hold for Abiotic Factor? We'll have to wait and see!
Full Dark Energy Update Patch Notes
All of the Dark Energy content listed above is merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the latest Abiotic Factor update. If you'd like the complete rundown, you can view the full patch notes below:
v0.10.0.15175 Change Notes
- The Reactors have been opened. Upon completing Hydroplant you may now venture onwards into the Reactors. Explore a whole new sector full of new enemies, armor, trinkets, weaponry, deployable gadgetry and evil of the darkest machinations of this world, and the many worlds beyond!
- Or that’s what the Gatekeepers say about it, anyway.
New Enemy Respawn Mechanics:
- Enemy/Entity spawn rates have changed to be based on in-game days passed instead of linear minutes in real time, because the latter feels kinda bad, especially since it doesn’t allow you to clear out areas even temporarily. The new system has been designed and balanced around a much more realistic feel to enemy density, comings and goings of characters, and allowing scientists to really make a place their own - with enough work.
- This also allows us to do more creative things with enemy placements and spawn rates in general, including making SNIPERS STOP RESPAWNING EVERY 5 MINUTES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD AND so we will be monitoring this new system, and we hope it treats you well.
Traveling Traders:
- NEW FEATURE: Traveling Traders. Marion may be found wandering the Facility (if you have completed Flathill. This trader can be lured to your base some days of the week using a powered
- Removed The Blacksmith's trade machine, he can now be directly traded with.
- The Blacksmith will look at you again. You no longer disappoint him.
- Removed Warren's trade machine, he is now a direct trader. And kind of a traitor, when you think about it.
- Also, another trader (not the traveling one.)
- Some friendly scientists will now react to damage. You should feel bad for hurting them, honestly.
The Encroachment:
- Something has come through from another Anteverse… Perhaps one you are familiar with.
- A new E-Mail can be found in Mines Check-In by the Surface Tunnel.
- A Check-In station has been added to the Old Mines in Manufacturing West.
- A new area has opened up near the Old Mines, containing new enemies, items, a trinket, some figurine statue things, a suit??? and more from Anteverse 299.
- A new fabric, ID Card, and hair style are available to all scientists who own Core Keeper on Steam. That’s probably unrelated to the above notes, but maybe it isn’t. Who’s to say, Explorers?
World Save Format Upgrade:
- The world save format has been upgraded. You will need to upgrade your world save before playing, which is done by simply selecting it in the world selection menu and pressing Upgrade.
- A world save backup (pre-upgrade) will be saved as well, but this will be overwritten after 2.5 hours of gameplay. If you experience major save issues, STOP playing and let us know right away, and send us your save file!
- Some general stability and compression fixes to world save files and saving.
- Fixed various issues around using illegal characters for world save names which would cause the system to not save the world properly.
General Gameplay Changes:
- There is a slightly new startup flow. Upon pressing any key in the splash screen, the game will attempt to connect to the server browser. If this fails, you will be notified that you can only play singleplayer or LAN. This should not generally affect your experience in any meaningful way.
- All multiplayer sessions will now have a Lobby Join Code which can be given to friends (or enemies, if that’s your thing) to allow them to join your session. This is displayed in the Escape Menu and can be shown by pressing the Eye icon. It is hidden by default for streamers and the like.
- Direct Connect is now available on the Server Browser.
- Scientist death bags will now spawn at the last saved (safe) location if they’ve been wading in a shallow liquid when they died.
- Bolts and other projectiles sticking out of corpses will now be returned as items when gibbing the corpse.
- Fall Damage has been reduced across the board by about half a meter for each tier of fall damage.
- Active body shields on characters now block blood FX and should correctly play shield-hit FX, e.g. Canaanite Preacher.
- Some distant gunshot sound effects have been replaced.
- Added bullet whizz sounds to many bullets.
- Set concurrency rules on a ton of sounds to avoid too many sounds playing at once, especially in big firefights.
- Changed ‘taking fire damage’ sound effect to be less abrasive on the earballs.
- Improved scientist walk-run animations at low speeds.
- New Research Material: Anomalous
- Removed unfinished feature: Placing buckets in sinks.
- Updated various lens/reflection materials on scopes, helmets and enemies.
- Throwable items now have cooldowns where they didn’t previously when using underhand toss.
- Switched LMG distant fire sound effect to mono instead of stereo.
UI & Quality of Life Changes:
- NEW FEATURE: Main Menu Background can now be selected by going to the Gameplay Settings screen in the Main Menu, and new backgrounds can be unlocked by unlocking achievements related to the background in question (usually, completing that area of the game.) New backgrounds will be swapped in as you complete content, but you can return to any background you like at any time and that choice will be saved.
- Main Menu Music is no longer missing. We found it, gave it a stern talking to, and it promises to never leave you again. …
- … It was Warren. Warren stole the Main Menu Music.
- Mouse3 (Middle Mouse Wheel Click) can now be used to Favorite and Unfavorite slots instantly.
- Tweaked formatting and text in the Crafting screen. Made more room for text, downsized some font, and moved the Favorite button (star icon) above the item name.
- Item Set Bonuses and Buffs/Debuffs are now displayed in the Crafting screen before crafting the item. Finally!
- Moved the backpack screen around a bit to support larger backpacks. Sort button moved to the left of the Backpack slot.
- Increased size of inventory icons inside the slot, slightly.
- Tutorial panel popups should now show correct (default) keybinds.
- Extended container UI slightly to avoid scrollbars.
- Bonus Damage is now shown on item tooltips, meaning extra levels in Blunt Melee will now show that extra damage in the tooltip for a Blunt Weapon.
- CTRL+LMB adds 1 item to the cursor from the stack. Continuing to click will add 1 more again until the current stack size is reached. This can only be done from the same stack and not multiple stacks.
- Camera movement is now locked when using radial wheels.
- Fixed HUD overlapping pinned journal notes when a large objective set is active.
- Objectives now support multiple waypoints if they have multiple objectives. Waypoints can still be disabled as before by clicking the dropdown in the main Journal screen of your GATEPal.
- Improved back button behavior in menus to be more consistent (Compendium vs. Other Screens, and things of that nature.)
- The Previous Recipe button in the Crafting screen is now disabled during crafting to avoid unfortunate crafting mishaps. (Also known as cheeky exploits.)
- Modified ‘Out of Date Game’ error message to be more generic, since the message cannot actually specify if it is the client or server in this instance.
- Various localization updates.
Facility Changes:
- Yellow railings now have better collision when it comes to projectiles.
- New sound added when interacting with “Fix-its” around the world, e.g. when placing an item into something to fix it.
- Updated valve wheel artwork on waterways.
- Added collision under "Waterfall House" in Hydroplant to make a specific pipe ledge easier to walk over. You know the spot.
- Updated tutorial/introduction in a few small key areas, particularly lore and new artwork.
- Some signage in some areas of the Facility have been improved or updated.
- The end of Hydroplant spillway now has some visual effects when activated.
- Thinned up the waterpipe particle so they clip through the pipes less often.
- Gave a sniper in Manufacturing West slightly more visibility on targets. Sorry about that.
- Some stuff that wasn’t shiny is now shiny.
- Updated a metal doorway texture. Important stuff.
- Improved weather when changing altitude in the Facility. This wasn’t really a problem until Reactors, but it should create a more consistent experience with low visibility weathers as you travel about.
- Updated glass textures in many locations.
- Door hinges and handles are now shiny.
- Do you hear a leaky pipe in the Office cafeteria?
- Fixed Glass Wall Frames material to be metal instead of concrete.
- Reduced compression on all whiteboard images for more crisp (intended) lines and colors.
- Removed emissive from barbed wire, improved the look with a spot of specular.
Portal World Changes:
- Flathill has seen a couple small additions. Take a visit back there sometime, won’t you? For old times’ sake. … And maybe bring your unsavory corn while you’re at it.
- New PA system announcement can be heard in Voussoir.
- New PA system announcement can be heard in Rise.
- Fixed Dr. Hammond dual wielding shovels. It was pretty cool, though.
- The researchers of Voussoir have opted for additional comfort around the place, noting a lack of good napping spots.
- Turns out they actually do have toilets in Voussoir.
- There have always been Charging Stations in Voussoir. If anyone tells you otherwise, they’re gaslighting you.
- Slightly increased probability of coming across more Neutrino Mappers in Voussoir.
- Many mushroom trees will now react as if made of a more wooden material, instead of metal.
- Updated some fast food menus.
- The alleged digital corruption of the fireplace in Anteverse 23 seems to have returned to normal. Whatever that was, wasn't
- School’s open.
- Updated collision on SM_OozePillar_Small, whatever hell that nasty thing is.
Entity Changes:
- NEW FACTION: The Gatekeepers - we’re not telling you anything, good luck out there.
- Several new enemy types can be found in Reactors. We will not tell you what those are.
- Shoving Pests and non-alerted medium-sized enemies should now function properly again.
- Mushroom Peccary drop a lot more mushrooms now.
- Pursuit by or proximity to IS-0091 no longer counts scientists as being “In Combat”
- Lab Rats have received some voice line updates, including unique breathing sounds.
- Updated visuals for Canaanite preachers.
- The Canaanites are now slightly less hardy.
- Dr. Stern reported an increase in Carbuncle birth rates, but we’re not going to ask how he verified that.
- Enemies will no longer speak the same type of line simultaneously if in a squad together. E.g. spotted a scientist.
- Enemies will now continue falling smoothly if they die while airborne, instead of stopping in place for a moment.
- Enemies now react to being bumped into, even by sneaky scientists. Don’t bump into things, it’s rude!
- Enemies will now prefer to not run past their foes, and will tend to not ignore them when they get right up in their face. Expect to be punched in the face a lot more when you’re making an enemy feel uncomfortable. Again, rude. Sheesh.
- Enemies can now perform much longer voice lines without interrupting themselves, especially for certain actions like throwing grenades. You’ll get about halfway through Reactors and go “Ahh, that’s why they did this change.” and it’ll be pretty funny we think, which is why we included it in the patch notes. Anyway, have a great time down there, it’s gonna be a blast. A blast, we say.
- Enemies stationed on mounted LMGs will remain there even if they hear a nearby sound, meaning they will only leave under certain more deadly conditions, instead of giving up the position so easily. They will also no longer stagger away from the gun, which was causing them to break their connection to it too easily.
- Many enemies (especially enemies with guns) will now visually aim up and down at their targets, instead of not doing that.
- Enemies can no longer bleed indefinitely and will stop their bleeding after a while.
- Anteverse Beehives now have a 100% spawn chance in the locations in which they’re found, up from 50%.
- Made Exor pain shriek a bit more varied.
- It moved again.
- Some reports that IS-0134 has entered its winter season and its fur has become a touch bulkier.
- Lab Rats now sometimes drop later (more useful) materials as progression is made through the Facility.
- Fixed Defense Bot mortar arc. They are now much better at launching mortars that avoid hitting low ceilings, within reason.
- Exor have better walk and strafe animations now.
- Improved the way enemy footstep sounds work so the sound better follows the character.
- Fixed the color of IS-0121’s blood when cut to ribbons.
- Added various techniques to ensure enemies falling off ledges in some areas will die and ragdoll, instead of just falling and then becoming a nuisance, such as in the water of the Hydroplant.
- Enemies now prefer full cover over partial cover, if they can find it.
- Enemies now have separate aggro voice lines for scientists vs. other targets.
- Marion tells us he’s seen more Symphonists in the fog but he didn’t quite say it that way.
- Upgraded enemy squad AI to allow lots of cool things, like squads doing battle. This is not a spoiler, this is a brag.
- Enemies will no longer call out their reloads if they determine they are alone. Does an NPC still reload when no one is around to something something
- Enemies that have designated ‘tether’ zones will respect those better and not wander so far during combat encounters, but only if we want them to not do that. And we’re not telling you where we do that. In fact, this patch note has gone on long enough. We’re going to end it here.
Progression / Narrative Changes:
- STORY PROGRESSION CHANGE: Keypad Hacker T4 now requires a trip to Canaan as the recipe now requires 1 lodestone fragment.
- Added lots of new Compendium content. Enjoy!
- 4 new achievements have been added, all related to story progression.
- Fixed a bug where other accounts on the same PC would accidentally share achievements. Now you have to tell your little brother to get the rat suit by himself. (Or get two computers and play together. You guys will miss each other when you get older and move out on your own. Cherish the time you have together.)
- High Inquisitor Hasta Tria found his High Inquisitor suit, because rank is important - to some. He will also no longer be found in the Surface Tunnel after a time. He has other places to be.
- Fixed a few Kovac lines that didn't have lipsync. Whoever Kovac is.
- In Manufacturing West, Hank has gone a-wanderin’. I wonder where he’s off to?
- Several new journals from one named "Sydyk" are findable in the world (both new and old locations.)
- There are now numerous new Base Assaults that can occur as you progress through the Facility. Be sure to keep those turrets handy.
Skill, Perk, & Trait Changes:
- NEW PERK: Projectile Pickup - at Throwing Rank 5, you automatically pick up projectiles and weapons you have previously thrown (or fired), as long as you have room in your inventory.
- Reload animations for weapons now fall back to previous skill level animations if anims are not implemented yet. This actually only occurred when people were cheating/modding, but we thought we’d mention it to call out those guys for being big nerds about it.
- Updated various more passive damage types to no longer grant Fortitude XP.
- Fixed laser weapons not granting Accuracy XP.
Customization Changes:
- Added a stylish Lunar New Year (Year of the Snake) fabric, available to all scientists.
- Adjusted all beard textures to better match the contrast of hair colors.
- Some helmets now hide customization accessories when worn. (example: eyeglasses are now hidden when wearing a welding mask.)
New Items:
- NEW ITEM: Robot Oil - drops from all robots, with enough effort.
- NEW CRAFTED WEAPON: Harpoon Spear - obtainable in the Hydroplant sector tier of weaponry.
- NEW PET / WEAPON / THING? Could it be all three!? Either way, it’s IS-0128.
- Added a way to allow some pets to be held in hands or stored as items. I wonder what that’s for!?
- NEW CRAFTED WEAPON: Rocket Launcher(that’s all we have to say about that)
- NEW CRAFTED ARMOR SET: Exor Armor - with a unique set bonus or two!
- NEW CRAFTED ARMOR SET: Reactor Armor - with a unique set bonus or two!
- Several new backpacks and helmets have been added, but telling you about them would be a disservice to your scientific discovery.
- NEW CRAFTED BACKPACK: Long Jump pack(found under crafting category)
- NEW CRAFTED SHIELD: Hardlight Shield
- NEW CRAFTED SCREWDRIVER: Construction Gauntlet
- NEW CRAFTED HAMMER: Hexwood Hammer (for repairs!)
- Added two new ammo types for the Disc Launcher; Lodestone Disc and Plasma Disc.
Item Changes:
- The strange Black Gunk from IS-0083 can now be obtained from Royal Coins and Royal Crowns Along with some… other interesting stuff.
- Throwing Knives are now (sometimes) retrievable. Low chance to break on impact.
- Increased damage on all throwing knives.
- Crystalline Armor is disabled when sitting and sleeping.
- The Quill Rifle has received a massive overhaul and will now properly home targets and has received various other tweaks to ammo count and so on.
- Moved Jetpack to the Travel crafting category.
- Abe was tinkering with all of our Deatomizers and he really screwed something up, so it seems the regular and overdrive damage has been reduced a bit. Dangit, Abe!
- Added new third person animations for IS-0099.
- Added some variance to Energy Pistol cranking.
- Carbon Pickaxe now loses durability a bit less often.
- Increased Romag Shotgun fire animation to correctly match its fire rate.
- Charge Shield battery increased to 100 (from 60).
- Wessex Rifle now staggers enemies when hit.
- Improved various logic around outlining foes, particularly with armor set bonuses that do this. (You know the one.)
- Removed audio and impact decals from screwdriver type tools to prevent so much clang clang clanging while doing basic construction.
- Dr. Thule says he can’t seem to stabilize the temporal electrical fields around the Electrothrower (okay, whatever that means?) and it apparently has caused the fire rate to decrease slightly, as well as the damage output. He refused to give us specific numbers, but don’t shoot the messenger. Shoot Thule, maybe.
- The Electron Grenade is also having similar issues, and seems to do a little less damage now, but nothing else seems to have changed, so that’s fortunate.
- Adjusted Giga Glue. It needed some adjustment.
- Durability on the Cascade Armor Set has been drastically increased, and new armors in Dark Energy will be quite durable as well. Probably not a good sign for your soon-to-be bullet-riddled body, though.
New Trinkets & Changes:
- Several new trinkets are now available for you to discover, but many will remain unlisted for spoiler reasons.
- NEW TRINKET: Carbuncle Balloon - reduces inventory weight when equipped.
- NEW TRINKET: GATE Employee Locator - sold by Officer Warren, an early-game trinket that allows you to see outlines of nearby GATE employees and other friendly creatures... Most of the time.
- TRINKET CHANGE: We did not forget about Ms. Kylie Muir, and neither should you.
- Restored previous trinket behavior (General XP Gain) for Kylie trinket and moved the “Lowest Skill XP Gain” behavior back to Pet Rock.
- Sigil of the Hearth now applies to the so-called Mountaineers and some new enemy types who also drop ammunition.
- The same strange temporal electrical fields causing other havoc across the Facility have slowed the effects of the Crystalline Vial, which now restores battery at a rate of 1 per 4 seconds, down from 1 per 2 seconds.
- However, this has caused a very strange effect! The Crystalline Vial now also regenerates battery when damage is taken, if damage is high enough, if the damage is not friendly fire, and if the damage is not of certain types (example: bleeding does not trigger this effect.) Nature is crazy, huh?
- Fixed the Crystalline Vial charging interrupting deployable and power plug placement.
Recipe & Salvage Changes:
- Security Cart and SUV hotwire kits have had their crafting cost reduced.
- Field Battery recipe can now be obtained from a holographic diagram in Security Sector.
- Field Battery is now a bit cheaper (on the Honey) and crafting it will now produce 3 Field Batteries instead of 1.
- Removed the ability to scrap crafted grenades due to unequal returns.
- Fixed scrapping returns on Crystalline Armor and many other armors and deployables for that matter.
- Crystalline Armor now requires more sensible items in order to repair it.
- Added more ‘fake’ items to Research new recipes for many items.
- Multiple items that require Lenses, Memory Bricks, and/or Projection Matrixes (Matrices?) now generally only require one of these, since all of these use some component of the other. For example, something that requires a Projection Matrix in its component makeup will not require another Projection Matrix by itself. Basically this means less Lenses required.
- Added a new category of item (Any Biocleanser) to be useable in Tech Bandages, featuring MANY different types of items for creative scientists from all walks of life (and with preferred farming routes.)
Deployable Changes:
- NEW CRAFTED DEPLOYABLE: Hardlight Bridge (pedestrian and vehicle sized)
- NEW CRAFTED DEPLOYABLE: Taxidermy [REDACTED], unlocked by killing lots of [REDACTED], obviously.
- NEW DEPLOYABLES: Various Inhibitors have been added, obtainable in Reactors. Three to start with. They must be powered in order to inhibit spawns.
- Carbon Bed recipe is now cheaper.
- Lasers now visibly appear dimmer every time it bounces, eventually not displaying at all. As before, lasers of insufficient magnitude cannot power devices, but now this is visible instead of just implied.
- Many laser deployables now give back their entire ingredients when destroyed.
- Moisture Teleporter has been moved to the Farming category in the Crafting screen.
- Changed Moisture Teleporter radius to a circle instead of capsule. Increased radius from 8 meters to 10 meters.
- Moisture Teleporter now sucks a little more… Water, that is. It sucks more water.
- The Charging Station is now considerably heavier, which makes sense, given the amount of battery it contains. Dr. Ross said we simply had to be reminded of this fact for it to take effect.
- At least one new rug.
- Rug orientations are now more correct for expected placement. Removed arrow in the meantime since it was misleading anyway. By default, rugs should “face you” when being placed initially.
Cooking / Food Changes:
- NEW FOOD INGREDIENT: Atypical Butter
- NEW FOOD INGREDIENT: Shadowberries (bringing several related recipes.)
- NEW RECIPE: Buttery Popcorn
- PLT Sandwich should now decay properly.
- Apples are now just a bit larger.
- Honey is now counted as food and can be placed in refrigerators.
- You can now remove items from ovens even if you are holding something else.
- Fixed some larger food items (larger fish filets) not fitting properly in pans when being cooked.
- Fixed a pot of rice that said it was a pot of a pot of rice.
- Fixed a bug where an item in the oven would not properly update its data after finishing cooking on a stove.
- Fixed a bug where packaging an oven with a pie in it caused the pie to have invalid data when it was placed down, making everyone sad that their pie was all wrong.
- Fixed a bug with the hotbar radial wheel not displaying the proper name of cooked foods in those slots.
- Fixed a bug where Portable Stoves were immune to damage.
- Fixed a bug in which the cooking pot UI hid any visible error messages that were displayed.
- Fix placed food items (like a pie) not updating their visuals properly to scientists just joining into your world.
- Fixed a bug on deployed soups which grant items not properly granting items if your inventory was full.
- Fixed a bug where cooking pots didn't update their liquid visuals for clients.
- Possible fix for a case where clients would have strange stove interactions until a pot/pan was removed from the stove.
- Fixed a bug where repairing a Kitchen Stove requires the item to be in your hotbar instead of anywhere in your inventory.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong verb text would show when picking up pans on ovens and stoves.
- Fixed a bug where butchering items would play scrapping sound effects.
Farming & Fishing Changes:
- Several new fish and foods to find. No spoilers, you silly-billies!
- New type of Antelight seed added. The plant has got some Really Good Bulbs.
- Added a few more ways to get certain Antelight seeds, and increased drop rates in a few instances. Not many - just a few!
- Updated eel organ description.
- Gutfish Eels now have a 100% chance to drop their electrical organ
- Eel Fat now has a 50% chance to drop, down from 100%
- Plants with variants now show their proper appearance while being grown, e.g. Antelight.
- Fixed a major time of day bug with fishing, where several hours during mid-day were viewed by the fishing system as midnight. Whoops! This would explain some weird catches our scientists have been having!
- Fixed a bug where successfully catching a new fish caused the HUD to display all previously unlocked fish one time after rejoining a game.
Optimizations / Performance:
- Optimized the way we load first-person animations.
- Optimized various game elements that were running their tick when they didn’t need to. This is a more general note, may or may not manifest depending on how CPU-bottlenecked you are on your setup.
- Much better optimization handling on enemy characters. You should generally see less glitchy walking, disappearing characters, floating objects, and jittery motion. The system now prioritizes what is on screen with a proper budget, and not simply sorting by distance.
- Optimized ragdoll computation.
- Optimized rendering on some light fixtures.
Sandbox & Difficulty Changes:
- On Apocalyptic difficulty or above, enemies will have greater health values on protective shielding.
- Fixed various issues with the Night Only sandbox setting. The setting now only affects visuals and light sources so that the game remains playable. The clock now properly progresses and triggers day/night as normal, but it remains dark throughout. This should fix several problems with Night Only playthroughs and make it more of a cosmetic change rather than functionally breaking the game. We will continue monitoring this change and looking at feedback around it.,
- Fixed weather not properly clearing up if using Always Day or Always Night sandbox setting.
- Fixed a bug where lights connected to a lightswitch didn't follow the current Day/Night sandbox rule.
- Fixed a bug where light fixture with a switch didn't follow the DayNight sandbox mode rule
Accessibility Changes:
- Subtitles have (finally) been added for Facility Announcements.
- Added drop shadow to crafting area description text.
Gamepad / Controller Changes:
- Fixed various issues showing the wrong control glyphs when using a gamepad.
- Improved “cursor friction” on grid UI objects when using a gamepad.
- For gamepads, default controls and general control rebinding has been improved.
- Increased default gamepad cursor speed.
- Fixed a specific mouse sensitivity-to-FOV scaling issue when using gamepad controllers.
- Carts can finally be moved/steered with gamepad controllers.
- Fixed an issue where the key rebinding screen didn’t update when switching between gamepad controller types. (e.g. Xbox Controller to PS4 Controller and vice versa.)
- Controller glyphs will now switch immediately when changing between two controller types.
- Gamepad (controller) scroll speed is now available as an option in the Accessibility settings menu.
- Settings menu is now navigable with A/D and gamepad controller shoulder/bumpers.
- Fixed keybinding/gamepad controller binding issues with Rotate deployable key.
Various Bug Fixes: