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Abiotic Factor Crush Depth Update: Patch Notes, Fishing, Temperature, & More

Posted on by justin
Dive into uncharted territory across the massive underground Facility, and explore the secrets hidden within these new regions in the Abiotic Factor Crush Depth Update. Immerse yourself and take on new challenges like fishing and a temperature system. So, keep reading as we dive deeper into the game’s first major roadmap milestone.

What’s in the Abiotic Factor Crush Depth Update?

Abiotic Factor Crush Depth Update The Abiotic Factor Crush Depth Update brings many new features, mechanics, optimizations, and bug fixes to the multiplayer open-world survival crafting title. Among these additions are two new sectors: Security and Hydroplant. The former is a gauntlet of the Cascade Defense Area, while the latter is a massive water-filled region above the Cascade Reservoir. This major update also adds new portal worlds, including the snowy Alps of Voussoir. Prepare to explore this beautiful yet treacherous world with snowy peaks and hidden dangers. As mentioned earlier, new features have been added with the arrival of the Abiotic Factor Crush Depth Update. One notable new feature is fishing, wherein players can craft and use a Makeshift Fishing Rod at various fishing spots in the Facility and beyond. Then, butcher the caught fish at the new Chef’s Station crafting station to obtain various items, such as meat, salt, and fish bones. Speaking of the new crafting station, players can use it to cook all in-game recipes. Also, the update brings various improvements to the game’s cooking mechanic. For instance, cooking times on oven-baked items have been reduced. Also, some items that didn’t have decay now have this property. Moving forward, a temperature system has been added, inflicting three brackets of hot and cold to players. Consuming certain food items can help mitigate the negative effects brought by extreme temperature conditions. On-screen effects also appear depending on specific temperature. For example, a frosty breath appears on the screen because of freezing temperature. Multiple story-based achievements have also been added to the game from this update. Also, this major patch includes various Compendium-related changes, such as adjustments to some entry locations. Additionally, the Crush Depth Update includes various optimizations and bug fixes. For instance, players should experience major performance changes while exploring the Cascade Laboratories. Also, hidden lights now fade out instead of blinking out for a more immersive experience. Don’t forget to check out this update’s trailer below and glimpse at the additions included in this major patch:

Abiotic Factor Crush Depth Full Patch Notes – August 12, 2024

Below are the full patch notes to the Abiotic Factor Crush Update.

Two New Sectors

  • Continue the story of the GATE Cascade Research Facility, far beyond the Cascade Laboratory.
  • Security Sector: Survive the dark gauntlet of the Cascade Defense Area.
  • Hydroplant Sector: Explore the monolithic span of the Hydroplant, sitting above the Cascade Reservoir.

New Portal Worlds

  • Explore the [REDACTED] [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] don't die!
  • Go for a wintery adventure in the snowy alps of Voussoir!
  • ???? ??????? ?????
  • And another one!?

New Feature – Fishing

  • New Skill: Fishing, complete with Fishing-related perks.
  • There are several new Fish (or fish-like creatures) to catch, and many types of water, from caves to swimming pools, as well as more traditional bodies of water.
  • New craftable item: Makeshift Fishing Rod.
  • Bait recipes are (typically) learned by first catching a fish of a given type.
  • Fish can not be Salvaged, but can be Butchered at the new Chef's Station.
  • Fish contain many new items, some rare, some common, and ranging from simple fish bones and meat to handy items, crafting replacements, and in some cases, even salt!
  • There's more to discover, but we'll leave that part entirely up to you!
  • We would also like to add that we will improve fishing over time, and are looking at fun ways to expose more fishing data in the Compendium. More on that... later.
Cooking Changes
  • All Cooking recipes now require crafting at a Chef's Counter and are no longer craftable at the Crafting Bench.
  • Cook times on oven-baked items are now a bit more reasonable.
  • Time to Burn on all items is now substantially longer, meaning more time to save your food!
  • Some items were missing decay, and now have it.
  • Some items had very low or very high decay values unintentionally, and those have been adjusted.
  • Many items have had their hunger and thirst fill values rebalanced, accounting better for the bonuses given when leveling Cooking.
  • Antepasta is now unlocked at Level 10 Cooking, and not by other means.
  • Soups can now be dumped out by right-clicking on the item and selecting Pour on Ground.
Temperature Changes
  • The new temperature system now has three brackets of hot and cold, which can be countered by wearing hot/cold resistant gear, respectively.
  • Thermal sources now cap the amount of cold/hot they give, but can still combine to mitigate the opposite effect.
  • Some food items, like coffee, now apply temporary weather resistance buffs.
  • When the air is cold, frosty breath can be seen.
  • When affected by hot and cold, there are now screen-edge effects, which are reduced if the weather is being properly accounted for by clothing or buffs.
  • Being too cold will have new drawbacks, such as freezing solid for moments at a time.
  • Being too hot will have similar effects to what it had before, which is unpleasant vomiting, mostly.
  • Spore weather increases temperature +1 (hotter) now
  • Stuffy Suit debuff now slows movement instead of heating you up.
  • Coffee gives a new buff called Toasty Tummy, which gives +1 Cold Resistance for a while.
  • Slushies and Ice Cream give a new buff called Brain Freeze, which gives +1 Hot Resistance for a while.
  • Temperature setting (Farenheit vs. Celsius) on the Wristwatch now updates immediately when changed.
  • Weathered Trait now grants +1 Hot and +1 Cold resistance, permanently.
  • All Temperature debuffs have been moved to the Health Issues column in the Health Screen
Story Progression Changes
  • Added about a dozen new achievements, mostly story-based and therefore hidden by default.
  • Compendium Entries now indicate when a new one is present when viewing the Journal.
  • Adjusted some areas where certain Compendium entries are found, made some easier to locate.
  • Mushroom Carbuncle added to Compendium, unlocked in the Mycofields.
  • Added some backup triggers for Compendium entries that could get missed by scientists under certain circumstances. Our goal long-term is that you can always unlock every Compendium entry by performing an action, reading emails, or visiting specific locations. This includes
  • entries for friendly faces who might come and go at various times.
  • Re-organized the Compendium screen layout to better show how the categories link together.
  • Several Compendium damage type icons have been updated.
  • Warren has followed his dream and opened a trading post, with some goods available, depending on how far you've progressed through the Facility.
  • Reduced total actor count in Manufacturing West by about 2000 or more.
  • Flickering lights no longer compute their flickering logic at greater distances.
  • Optimized many random things, including many particle effects.
  • Major changes to the Cascade Laboratories in terms of overall performance.
  • When lights are hidden for optimization reasons, they now usually fade out instead of blinking out instantly at a distance.
Skill, Perk, & Trait Changes
  • Skill cap increased to 15, with new perks all along the way!
  • New Agriculture Perk: Photosynthetic Synergy. When you’re near your plants, they grow faster!
  • The Coworker no longer grants sneaking XP. Sorry, you aren't fooling anybody.
  • Hitting resource nodes now gives XP to scientists, similar to hitting NPCs.
  • The Sprinting perk Red Shift is now a higher chance to dodge enemy shots while sprinting. The noise is more obvious as well.
  • Skill panel category CRAFTING renamed to SURVIVAL
  • Hard Hat buff and Decathlon Competitor trait now both give more XP than before.
  • The Red Shift perk is now also respected by LMGs and other Automated Turrets.
Accessibility Changes
  • Automove now works when operating vehicles.
  • Toggle Aim is now available.
  • Removed the subtitle directional arrow if the sound is coming from yourself.
  • Changed subtitles to state "YOU" instead of your username.
  • Potential fix for flickering ambient light in certain portal worlds.
  • Rise: Egg now has an outline trigger and easier to grab (collision was blocking it).
  • Added highlight to Labs whiteboard containing the Research Backpack.
  • When dialog is playing, music volume is now subtly decreased a bit more than it was previously.
  • Teleporter FX are now less blinding, dark purple instead of pink-white
Facility Weather Changes
  • Added newer, more advanced weather systems for rain, snow, and other particulates.
  • Fog Weather can now be intentionally called by eating.
  • Fogiri, if the conditions are right.
  • Both Fog and Radiation Leak weather can now be shut off in two respective locations.
  • Reduced fog on Spores weather, just a bit.
  • IS-0031 can no longer be affected by weather from the Facility.
  • Added some rare instances where weather may force end or be blocked for a short while if an important story beat occurs.
General Gameplay Changes
  • Hydroplant Uniform is now available, unlocked by finding [REDACTED]
  • The server browser version has been increased, meaning older servers will no longer show on the Server Browser. Be sure to update your servers!
  • Adjusted the general appearance of water, both with and without goggles.
  • Reduced the amount hunger decreases fatigue
  • Very slightly reduced fatigue from Sugar High Buff
  • Very slightly reduced fatigue from exertion
  • Very slightly reduced the amount of incontinence given by drinking coffee
  • Slightly changed the green color of positive buffs on the HUD.
  • Research Minigame now supports items that use recipe substitutes (e.g. Any Couch, Any Filing Cabinet, Any Pipe)
  • Flickering flashlights.
  • Added footfall sounds to GATE Dance and Fear emotes
  • Random ambient sounds should no longer play when submerged in water
  • Moved many buffs and debuffs over to the right-hand Health Issues column in the Health Screen. This was done to prevent overcrowding but also show temporary effects distinct from more permanent statuses or effects.
  • Weighed Down heavy armor debuff is now shown in the Health Issues column in Health Screen. This debuff still gives Strength XP when moving.
  • Updated some buff icons with new imagery.
  • Bleeding is now more common. Some types of damage that didn't previously bleed will now bleed, particularly that of snipers, LMGs, and some other heavy hitters you probably haven't met yet.
  • Slight changes to dialog from a character previously found at the end of the previous Sector. Which character, you ask? Yes.
  • Sitting while your camera is underwater will now eject you from the seat, whether it's a couch or vehicle.
  • Improved the ability to flip vehicles, and fixed a bug where flipping vehicles could result in the vehicle teleporting away to who-the-heck-knows.
  • Added underwater debris particles.
  • Shifted around a few objects (and people) in the upper loft office of Adjustment Wing.
  • Ignition now has additional visual effects on the victim.
  • Fall damage has been greatly improved and should result in less injuries if velocity is low enough. This change was primarily made to accommodate the jetpack, but will result in more interesting and realistic (and reasonable) outcomes for short falls and falls while using a Gravity Dampener.
  • The Order has fought back into the Wildlife Pens and Adjustment Wing, and you may now find more troops in there, even after visiting Helmholtz.
  • New sound and effects occur when IS-0091 deposits its essence.
  • The head of 0121 is no longer radioactive. GATE scientists have no consensus on why this is.
  • Snipers generally have slightly longer respawn times now.
  • Optimized lasers in general (We have more work to do here)
  • Improved vomit and mouth location in general
  • Changed SMG and Shotgun distant fire, and adjusted gunshot sound occlusion.
  • Snipers have had various sound and visual enhancements. They have much better sound feedback and are a lot more precise, but also a lot more readable in terms of where their interest currently sits.
  • Recipes that no longer require research can now be auto-pinned properly if granted when talking to an NPC
  • Sandbox option for Storage by Tag now available, on by default.
  • Swimming now has drowning sounds when 15 seconds from death. We are aware this is not the most user-friendly experience and will be looking at improving drowning feedback going forward. In the meantime, be careful!
  • Improved pathing into a broken pipe (leading back to Labs) near the entrance of Security Sector.
  • Improved clients' ability to see the correct state of the giant Vacuum Décor in Labs.
  • Movement Speed is now reduced a bit less by armor weight. Weight classes above Weight Class 1 are just a bit less punishing to move about with.
  • IS-0407 seems to have toughened up a bit.
  • Music tracks for areas now play a bit more frequently and reliably when they are intended to.
  • New UI background for Salvaging
  • Reduced positive buoyancy for scientists, so you stay more stationary in water.
  • Medkit deployables now only hold medical items and fridge now only holds consumable items
  • New Exor netted sound
  • Exor Quills now move faster towards targets.
  • Holding the Holster key will open a radial wheel allowing specific selection of which Holster state you desire.
  • Added radial wheel for flashlight states.
  • Added radial wheel for holster states.
  • Crafting Bench rename button moved to left side of the text to better support other languages besides English.
  • Bleeding HUD images will no longer sometimes load in blurry at first
  • The scientist outside of Silo 3 decided to stay a bit longer.
Facility Changes
  • Updated artwork of some radioactive waste flows/wastefalls
  • Updated artwork of some lava flows/lavafalls
  • Office Plaza: Vehicle ramps next to staircases to level 2 are now wider
  • Wildlife Pens: Widened vehicle access ramps
  • Office Level 2: Widened a hallway near Data Farm for better vehicle access
  • MFWest: fixed crate clipping into a wall
  • Added new TV content to existing blank TVs. If you have a TV in your possession, it should update accordingly with new content. If you don't, have fun hunting these new TVs! "Forklift Certification", "Trams, Trams, Trams!", "Immurement and You"
  • Added new ambient underwater audio when swimming.
  • Fixed a bunch of floating furniture by Abe & Janet. We blame the anomalous properties of the KIZZ Cola machine.
  • Containment: Fixed a stair that had no back (under) face
  • Added some collision around police cars in Flathill that can cause stuck spots
  • Added collision to rocks by Caco Crate on Office1 plaza ledge
  • Removed a plug socket floating out of bounds in the Office Sector
  • The entrance pathing to Security Sector has changed slightly.
  • Added you are here icon to Wildlife Pens map
Portal World Changes
  • Made several improvements to help scientists better understand how to open the portal to Rise and where to find it once it does.
  • Newman now has some new things to say after opening the portal to Rise and where to Rise.
  • Flathill: Fixed many doors that only swung one direction and weren't intended to
  • Rise: Compendium Trigger is now in a more proper critical path location, instead of off to the side.
  • Rise music is now a bit louder, as it was rather quiet.
  • Rise: Elevator doors improved, more obvious, moved a bit.
  • Flathill Arcade door should no longer get stuck on the light fixture
Item Changes
  • Doubled damage from thrown weapons.
  • Added a more audible impact sound when a thrown weapon hits a character
  • New Craftable Item: Swim Goggles, a headlamp slot item that allows better vision underwater.
  • Fixed Kitchen Cabinets drawers opening in the wrong direction
  • Huge Filing cabinet now animates its drawers when opened or empty
  • Many items have been made a bit larger when dropped in the world, so they are easier to find and pick up.
  • Armory Locker now animates when opened or empty
  • X-Ray Lamp battery reduced to 375, from 500.
  • Executive Desk damaged texture is no longer scaled as large
  • The Order Sniper will now drop new loot, with a chance to drop their scoped rifle.
  • New discoverable military weapon has been added. You'll know when you find it.
  • Increased the drop rate on certain items dropped from IS-0407
  • Increased the overall drop rate of Ornate Keys, and two other classes can now also drop them, but at a lower rate.
  • Ice Cream flavor has been changed to Vanilla, by default.
  • Anomalies now take more time to decay.
  • Thermite Molotovs are now more in line with other throwable weights.
  • Egghead now only requires 1 ebbguh to craft.
  • Increased glue requirement for paint recipes.
  • Items now sometimes show additional information about their type (Tool, Heavy Weapon, etc.) when viewing the item tooltip. We will expand on this in the future.
  • Heavy Weapons, in general, have been buffed across the board and deal more damage.
  • Several new craftable Heavy Weapons exist, the Crowbar 2.0, Carbon Pickaxe, and Impact Hammer.
  • The Explosive Sledgehammer now uses a new, cheaper ammo type, and even without ammo, is now a more direct upgrade to the regular findable Heavy Weapons, like the Sledgehammer, Pickaxe, and Crowbar.
  • New Deployable: Auto-Salvager
  • New Deployable: Moisture Teleporter
  • Gravity Cube should now allow shields to be used with it when held
  • Lowered drop rate of Giga Glue by a bit.
  • The porcelain used in the Maestro armor appears to be sturdier than previously believed.
  • Lasers will now show a more positive hit effect when hitting something they can react positively with.
  • Laser Emitters can be painted.
  • Several items that previously did not have items in their recipes now have extra items in their recipe when inventing the idea.
  • Plants found in the world, such as Space Lettuce and Anteverse Wheat (and some new ones) can now regrow after awhile. Some other items will use this logic as well, such as the infamous blue Gravity Dampener.
  • Added new swing sound to some swords.
  • Small Ramps and Wooden Bridges no longer require a crafting bench to craft, to encourage more interesting outcomes when exploring, without having to return to base.
  • Some recipes can now be made with Any Pipe, as there is now a new pipe resource.
  • Some recipes can now be made with Any Oil, as there is now a new oil resource.
  • Charging Stations now require construction.
  • Electronics now charge evenly, restoring 5% of their total battery per tick. This was done to achieve a more balanced experience with less waiting, as some items with large battery values also use them at different rates, but charged very slowly.
  • Charged items will now beep when full, reminding scientists to come pick them up.
  • Distribution Pad no longer takes Medical tagged items.
  • Distribution Pad no longer takes Ammo tagged items.
  • Distribution Pad no longer takes Nets, which are now tagged as Ammo as well.
  • Distribution Pad no longer takes Tool tagged items, such as screwdrivers, hammers, and paint brushes.
  • Distribution Pad area is now shorter, so it can be more easily jumped over if you want to avoid stepping on it.
  • Greatly increased the range of Dioxohealer so scientists don't have to plant their crops right next to their bench.
  • Upped the total allowed plants to affect the Dioxohealer to 6, from 5.
  • Slushie now has proper item tooltip text for its debuff
  • Fog Lantern now has proper item tooltip text for its buff... And it seems a bit warmer in the presence of a Fishing Rod.
  • CPUs have had some minor visual changes.
  • Brain Sync now unlocks alongside the Memory Brick, if scientists do not get it for some reason.
  • Steel Cable is a bit more common now.
  • Space Lettuce can now be found in more locations than before.
  • Order Troops are said to have been found carrying a bit more Military Scrap than before.
  • Increased drop amount for Carapace (Scuttlebugs in The Mycofields)
  • Reduced the number of staplers required to create Projection Matrixes. (Matrices?)
  • Medkits are now 9 slots, up from 6.
  • Anteverse Wheat is now a bit lighter.
  • Lowered flashlight and lantern intensity just a smidge.
  • A new reddish plant type has been spotted in the caves, and other locations as well.
  • More plants now have a small chance to give seeds when harvested from a garden plot.
  • Charging Station: Holding interact will open a radial wheel to select any of your low-battery items.
  • Corner armchair is now placeable in more orientations/positions, or you know, corners
  • Added percentage symbol to Weight Reduction in item tooltips.
  • Resorted a bunch of item tooltip information, moved weight to bottom, and so on. Just some UX cleanup, more important info first.
  • Desk Lamp no longer blocks enemy navigation
  • Electron Grenade is now slightly more expensive to craft.
  • Biometric Armwraps have been renamed to Bio-Metric Armwraps to help visually differentiate them from other types of similarly named armwraps.
  • GATE Security Crates are now openable, if you can convince Warren you're worth it.
  • Fertilizer now can be applied directly on soil instead of on valid plants.
Various Bug Fixes
  • Fixed Snipers getting stuck trying to shoot deployable objects.
  • Tools, Ammo and Medical Items no longer auto-distribute with the Distribution Pad.
  • Fixed issue with melee weapons sometimes not properly alternating their swing patterns as intended
  • Fixed a bug where the first-person leg are doesn't show the proper texture when being transmogged.
  • Radial menus can no longer be triggered if inventory or escape menu is open
  • Fixed missing Head customization item.
  • Potential fixes for TVs not properly playing audio.
  • Potential fix for vehicle seats becoming offset or disappearing in multiplayer worlds.
  • You can no longer repair Rootbear Floats.
  • Added missing crouch fire animation for the Magnum handcannon
  • Fixed some cases where Assaults could spawn enemies in weird locations, like vents they can't fit in properly.
  • Fixed several places where {CookedState} shows on items and in recipes, instead of a proper text string.
  • Fixed first time players not seeing beards properly until selecting a head
  • Fixed a bug where using rechargeable item reverts the current durability of the item to previous value after repair.
  • Various localization strings have been updated. Please continue to report missing instances of localization!
  • Fixed some cases where items could be crafted with bad data.
  • Fixed a staircase in Adjustment Wing where a Containment Bot could become stuck.
  • Hazard Crates now properly show their item label when named.
  • Pressing Previous Recipe will now cancel the current recipe instead of catastrophic crafting bug
  • Enemies gibbed immediately on death should now always correctly drop their other loot as well, instead of skipping it
  • Potential fixes for many issues where enemies would not appear properly when they should.
  • Enemies will no longer just start to aimlessly wander about if they somehow miss receiving their correct patrol routes.
  • Fixed held items sometimes turning dark or invisible after emoting.
  • Fixed some cases where sprinting would not occur if sprint was held prior to moving.
  • Fixed a stuck spot in the Shroom Room.
  • TVs should no longer be deployable inside one another.
  • Platform Cart now weighs 5, up from 0.1, which was definitely in error.
  • Fixed a bug where the Emails in your journal would reset the incorrect scrollbar every time an email was selected.
  • Some leg armor will now hide clothing when worn, to prevent egregious clipping and other ugly visual errors.
  • Fixed a bug where Stealthy-leveled scientists would perform a roll when pressing Sprint, even when not intending to move.
  • Fixed a door in the portal-accessed Induction Wing that was only swinging one direction.
  • Fixed some item positions, like the Exor Arm which can block your view when held.
  • Exiting ladders and some other things now correctly set scientists to either falling or swimming.
  • Fixed a bug where weapons/items thrown at IS-0091 disappear, but not in a fun anomalous way, just a buggy, horrible way.
  • Fixed a bug where laser rotation was not properly displaying in multiplayer.
  • Fixed figurines and cooking pots allowing overlap of other deployable objects.
  • Fixed double metal pipe entry on Lever recipe
  • Sprinting will no longer end when toggling flashlights.
  • Fixed a bug where reroute cable doesn't properly work for clients when tech scrap is inside a hotbar slot.
  • Added missing eat/drink sounds to various foods.
  • You can no longer "drink" an empty coffee mug.
  • Pressing sprint should no longer cancel crouch if not moving.
  • Fixed a case where Sniper beams could stay on when the Sniper is dead or in other similar circumstances.
  • Fixed some holes in the ceiling of the Adjustment Wing Laser Lab.
  • Corrected an anomaly allowing vending machines to dispense something other than the requested item.
  • Fixed an issue allowing Anomalies to appear in times and places they should not.
  • Fixed getting revived in water not correctly setting you to swimming state
  • Jump Pads can no longer spring Large or Huge enemies into the air.
  • Fixed a bug where other actions could interrupt a hammer dismantle, but still dismantle the furniture.
  • Fixed a bug where the Item Transporter on a Crafting Bench might not properly fetch new items under some conditions.
  • Fixed various typos in subtitles, E-mails, and journal entries.
  • Fixed a bug where a suit might use the wrong texture after equipping leg armor.
  • Improved various issues with turrets not acquiring targets properly.
  • Fixed a bug where Pest Teleporter doesn't show a proper connect power prompt.
  • Fixed incorrect date and time in the Journal
  • Fixed a bug where moving an item from Hotbar to Equip Slot would remove the buff, e.g. Gravity trinket.
  • Fixed a bug where a Pest in Pest Wheel may not properly play their animation.
  • First person drinking animation now only uses the left arm, which usually looks better when holding another item
  • Fixed a bug where the rechargeable headlamp couldn't be turned on if a light-bearing item in hand didn't have a battery
  • Fixed carapace reflecting the incorrect amount of damage, now a flat value instead of a percentage
  • Fixed invalid return salvage row for Scrapshot FL (`shotgun_makeshift` instead of `scrapshot`), prev only gave back a flashlight, now returns the scrapshot, flashlight, and metal scrap
  • Potted Plants can no longer have furniture deployed on them.
  • Fixed a bug where Battery value could sometimes add weight to items.
  • Fixed one bug where Exor Monks could start firing even if they were dead
  • Fixed deployables becoming painted when placed on item stands that then get painted
  • Fixed an issue where small quantities of water could not be seen in Crafted Barrels.
  • Fixed a bug where tesla coil ignores lab rat and leyak.
  • Fixed a bug where decaying deployed food can be repaired with a hammer.
  • Fixed a bug where removing painted color from container deployables also remove its liquid content.
  • Fixed a bug where color painted on the item stand also affecting the statue on it.
  • Adjusted wall clock so it won't be targeted by NPCs, can't be damaged and not blocking the NPCs or players path.
  • Fixed a bug where bench upgrades fx are off on client after being added to the crafting bench.
  • Armory Locker now has correct deconstructed row
  • Fixed a bug where dioxohealer still operates with no power.
  • Fixed a bug where flashlight in security pistol still working without a battery.
  • Fixed a bug where crafting benches remove safe zone buff from player when leaving overlapping safe zones.
  • Fixed a bug where pest teleporter doesn't save its charge state into world save.
  • Fixed some corpses showing clothing through hazmat suits.
  • Fixed multiple buttons appearing at a time within IS-0031.
  • Fixed clock interaction prompt location being very far from the object.
  • Escape menu can no longer get stuck on screen by spamming Tab + Esc
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