7 Days to Die
7 Days to Die Mechanical Parts Farming Guide: Locations, How to Get, Recipes, & More
Posted on by justin
(Estimated Read Time: 6 minutes)
Do you want to build a bicycle, motorcycle, or gyrocopter in 7 Days to Die? If so, you must gather a sufficient amount of Mechanical Parts. Here we'll cover the most effective ways to gather mechanical parts in 7 Days to Die including which items they can be salvaged from and the best locations to loot them.What Are Mechanical Parts in 7 Days To Die?

Mechanical Parts Locations & Items to Salvage

- Air Conditioner
- Auto Turret
- Blade Trap
- Car Wreck
- Cement Mixer
- Dart Trap
- Desk Safe Insecure
- Destroyed Cement Mixer
- Destroyed Generator Bank
- Engine
- Empty Shopping Cart
- File Cabinet
- Garage Door Metal
- Gas Pump
- Generator Bank
- Office Chair
- Pole Top01
- Reinforced Drawbridge
- Sedan
- Shopping Cart
- Wall Safe Insecure
- Workbench
All Mechanical Parts Crafting Recipes in 7 Days to Die
- 4x4 Truck Accessories: 33x Electrical Parts, 8x Headlight, 50x Short Iron Pipe, 4x Spring, and 16x Mechanical Parts
- 4x4 Truck Chassis: 250x Forged Steel, 40x Mechanical Parts, 20x Duct Tape, 40x Leather, and 16x Electrical Parts
- Bicycle: 2x Wheel, 1x Bicycle Chassis, 1x Bicycle Handlebars, and 1x Mechanical Parts
- Bicycle Chassis: 5x Forged Iron, 2x Mechanical Parts, 2x Duct Tape, 2x Leather, and 2x Spring
- Bicycle Handlebars: 2x Duct Tape, 2x Leather, 1x Mechanical Parts, 6x Short Iron Pipe, and 2x Spring
- Blade Trap: 10x Forged Iron, 10x Forged Steel, 8x Mechanical Parts, 6x Electrical Parts, and 10x Oil
- Cement Mixer: 25x Forged Iron, 4x Spring, 1x Engine, and 10x Mechanical Parts
- Contact Grenade: 2x Mechanical Parts, 14x Gun Powder, 4x Forged Iron, and 1x Spring
- Crucible: 100x Forged Iron, 20x Mechanical Parts, 1,200x Small Stone, 20x Oil, and 900x Clay Soil
- Dart Trap: 20x Forged Iron, 6x Mechanical Parts, 4x Electrical Parts, and 5x Oil
- Desk Safe: 20x Forged Iron, 2x Spring, and 3x Mechanical Parts
- Garage Door Metal: 240x Scrap Iron, 6x Spring, and 12x Mechanical Parts
- Generator Bank: 10x Forged Iron, 10x Mechanical Parts, and 14x Electrical Parts
- Grenade: 1x Mechanical Parts, 14x Gun Powder, 4x Forged Iron, and 1x Spring
- Gun Safe: 40x Forged Steel, 5x Spring, and 5x Mechanical Parts
- Gyrocopter Accessories: 33x Electrical Parts, 8 Headlight, 50x Short Iron Pipe, 10x Mechanical Parts, and 4x Spring
- Gyrocopter Chassis: 125x Forged Steel, 40x Mechanical Parts, 25x Duct Tape, 40x Leather, and 20x Electrical Parts
- Impact Driver: 1x Motor Tool Parts, 16x Forged Steel, 6x Mechanical Parts, 3x Spring, and 3x Duct Tape
- Iron Knuckles: 12x Forged Iron, 4x Mechanical Parts, 2x Leather, and 2x Duct Tape
- Jail Door: 12x Forged Steel, 2x Spring, and 2x Mechanical Parts
- Lockpick: 1x Forged Iron and 1x Mechanical Parts
- Minibike Chassis: 10x Forged Iron, 4x Mechanical Parts, 4x Duct Tape, 4x Leather, and 1x Electrical Parts
- Minibike Handlebars: 4x Mechanical Parts, 2x Spring, 1x Headlight, 2x Electrical Parts, and 6x Short Iron Pipe
- Motion Sensor: 2x Forged Iron, 1x Mechanical Parts, and 5x Electrical Parts
- Motorcycle Chassis: 25x Forged Steel, 10x Mechanical Parts, 10x Duct Tape, 10x Leather, and 3x Electrical Parts
- Motorcycle Handlebars: 10x Mechanical Parts, 10x Duct Tape, 1x Headlight, 6x Electrical Parts, and 5x Forged Steel
- Nailgun: 1x Motor Tool Parts, 16x Forged Steel, 6x Mechanical Parts, 3x Spring, and 3x Duct Tape
- Office Chair: 8x Leather, 10x Cotton, 4x Mechanical Parts, and 4x Forged Iron
- Ratchet: 5x Steel Tool Parts, 8x Forged Steel, 5x Mechanical Parts, 2x Spring, and 2x Duct Tape
- Reinforced Drawbridge: 20x Forged Iron, 20x Wood, 20x Spring, and 20x Mechanical Parts
- Reinforced Drawbridge (Powered): 20x Forged Iron, 20x Wood, 20x Spring, 20x Mechanical Parts, and 20x Electrical Parts
- Sinks and Toilets: 1x Bucket of Water, 2x Short Iron Pipe, 1x Mechanical Parts, and 4x Wood
- Steel Door 01: 10x Forged Steel, 10x Spring, and 10x Mechanical Parts
- Steel Hatch: 10x Forged Steel, 10x Spring, and 10x Mechanical Parts
- Steel Hatch (Powered): 10x Forged Steel, 10x Spring, 10x Mechanical Parts, and 10x Electrical Parts
- Switch: 2x Forged Iron, 1x Mechanical Parts, and 1x Electrical Parts
- Trigger Plate: 10x Forged Iron, 2x Electrical Parts, 2x Mechanical Parts, 50x Forged Iron, 8x Mechanical Parts, and 6x Electrical Parts
- Wall Safe: 10x Forged Iron, 2x Spring, and 3x Mechanical Parts
- Wire Tool: 9x Forged Steel and 3x Mechanical Parts
- Workbench: 25x Forged Iron, 20x Mechanical Parts, 5x Duct Tape, 100x Nails, and 100x Wood
- Wrench: 12x Forged Iron, 4x Mechanical Parts, and 2x Duct Tape
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